PEOPLE SUCK!! Ancient Petroglyphs Damaged and Stolen Near Bishop


Staff member
Seriously, PEOPLE SUCK!! I just read this article in the LA Times and I'm just completely beside myself...

Petroglyph thefts near Bishop stun federal authorities, Paiutes
At least four ancient petroglyphs were cut from cliffs at the Volcanic Tablelands and dozens of others damaged in 'the worst act of vandalism ever seen' on federal lands in the area.

BISHOP, Calif. — Ancient hunters and gatherers etched vivid petroglyphs on cliffs in the Eastern Sierra that withstood winds, flash floods and earthquakes for more than 3,500 years. Thieves needed only a few hours to cut them down and haul them away.

Federal authorities say at least four petroglyphs have been taken from the site. A fifth was defaced with deep saw cuts on three sides. A sixth had been removed and broken during the theft, then propped against a boulder near a visitor parking lot.

Dozens of other petroglyphs were scarred by hammer strikes and saw cuts...

Read the whole article here:,0,6886011.story?track=rss

Shit like this just makes me sick!! :mad:
Makes no sense. Worthless oxygen thieves. :naw: Hopefully Karma will circle around and meet them sooner than later.
Makes no sense. Worthless oxygen thieves. :naw: Hopefully Karma will circle around and meet them sooner than later.

If I met them I would introduce myself as Karma then proceed to open a whole can O'whoop ass!:mad:

This is horrible and sad. I really don't know what goes through people's minds to make them do something like this. It's sad and disgusting.
To go to that much trouble, it would take more than one individual to make off with those petroglyphs. Somebody will talk/brag about it and that will lead to their downfall and successful prosecution. A small fine and short prison term doesn't seem right for this desecration. The prosecutor should add conspiracy to the charges and rack up some more years for these idiots to write on their cell walls.
Why? what the hell will they do you with them? I can wrap my brain around stealing gold, cash and almost anything. But a rock?
Absolutely Disgusting what people will do for money. the Desecrators should be burned at the stake and the buyers Drawn and quartered alive... not to mention every penny they own forfeit to either the re construction, or if that is no possible, to further the preservation of the cultural history of the tribes involved and other tribal lands that being desecrated for profit. :mad::furious3::tantrum:

Makes me feel disgusted to be a White American Immigrant...

It makes me sick to hear and see things like this, I am disgusted there are people in the world like this. This is something that can never be replaced and now WE will never get to see. People like this should not be able to live among the rest of us! May be this should be the next point of destination before more F--ING %$#%@#$@$*@#%$%*#&$ idiots ruin the rest.
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It never fails to amaze me how sorry some members of our society are! :naw:

Yep I hope they get hit by a semi...(Karma) :twocents:
I wish they could be caught and let the tribe deal with their worthless a#$es. You don't do s#$t like that.
She shouldn't only loose her job. She should be sent to another country where women aren't so free. Lets see that scum of a women flip off a
Sign in the Middle East. I think she would be in a grave of an unknown women.
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