Pee Pee Lucas: Worst Troll EVER

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For all of you bitching about a thread like this, why do you keep posting and bumping it up? Your opinion does not matter as the admin won't change because you want to.

What is the point of bitching about the way things are done? Don't like it, don't read it. Don't like the forum, don't visit it. Don't like certain individuals, hit the ignore button. It's not really that difficult.
For all of you bitching about a thread like this, why do you keep posting and bumping it up? Your opinion does not matter as the admin won't change because you want to.

What is the point of bitching about the way things are done? Don't like it, don't read it. Don't like the forum, don't visit it. Don't like certain individuals, hit the ignore button. It's not really that difficult.

Nope they would rather preach
Or there's post 369 in this thread. Pretty sure that post had nothing to do with a product opinion. It was simply crass, classless, and dishonorable on every level. It doesn't matter what the troll did, that post wasn't warranted and is a stain on the reputation of the person posting it. Though I suspect that individual could care less and that tells me all I really need to know about that person's character.


Are you done preaching? Your message has been delivered also.
If you ignore them they go away, best way to defeat them.

I have seen my share of horrible trolls that just downright don't know how to "troll" and are more of a nuisance. To some really amazing ones that you just don't notice if you are being trolled. But on larger and very popular sites, you see them everywhere but people have created a sort of shield against them where they (the trolls) just eventually give up and move on to another forum, youtube video, facebook post, etc. Then sites make a turn and become better since they repel against them like antibiotics fighting a disease. Just my .02.
Or there's post 369 in this thread. Pretty sure that post had nothing to do with a product opinion. It was simply crass, classless, and dishonorable on every level. It doesn't matter what the troll did, that post wasn't warranted and is a stain on the reputation of the person posting it. Though I suspect that individual could care less and that tells me all I really need to know about that person's character.


So you can't even say who you are mad at? :thinking:
thats a wonderful thought.

So we take the high road and just ban them (we've been down this path).
Next thing you know they are calling vendors, and posting everywhere how they are wrongfully banned. Now we look like the assholes. Then jeeps start showing up at Sema with banned licenses plates.

It's kinda like the hands up don't shoot the media pushed. If it goes on unchecked people start believing it to be true.

Nope, they can fuck right off.

No one said to do that either. There are other ways of handling trolls and many, many forums have handled it successfully over many, many years. Do you honestly think your way is the only way?

Move offending posts into their own thread and lock it save for the original poster. Lock his account so he can only post to that thread. OP gets one shot at either explaining why his original post wasn't a troll or acknowledging it was and asking for reinstatement. Either way, problem solved. Either the troll is gone, though given a chance to redeem himself and failed. Or he admitted his error and returned to the fold.

Escalation rarely, if ever works (I'd say never but I don't really like absolutes in cases like this because there is always an exception) and only serves to tarnish the reputation of the forum itself and the Mods, who should otherwise be above petty arguing and bickering as their chief roll on a forum is to maintain some semblance of order. Not sow chaos by attacking trolls.

But what do I know. Clearly you have all the answers and have tried all alternatives. Clearly no other forums have ever successfully dealt with trolls because the only place they appear is here.
Or there's post 369 in this thread. Pretty sure that post had nothing to do with a product opinion. It was simply crass, classless, and dishonorable on every level. It doesn't matter what the troll did, that post wasn't warranted and is a stain on the reputation of the person posting it. Though I suspect that individual could care less and that tells me all I really need to know about that person's character.


I'll be the first to say that I felt he crossed the line with that one, yes, but that is a situation between him, PLucas, and Eddie.

Throughout this particular thread, I tried to get the guy to take a step back, explain what was going on, and move forward, but he continued to make incoherent statements about nothing, even when I followed his "game" and PMd him. Just more of the same. And that is where I gave up, he was a lost cause.
thats a wonderful thought.

So we take the high road and just ban them (we've been down this path).
Next thing you know they are calling vendors, and posting everywhere how they are wrongfully banned. Now we look like the assholes. Then jeeps start showing up at Sema with banned licenses plates.

It's kinda like the hands up don't shoot the media pushed. If it goes on unchecked people start believing it to be true.

Nope, they can fuck right off.

Or don't even bother banning them, just let them do whatever they want... I see that on other forums, then you get a bunch of trolls ganging up on people and threads about cutting people's pony tails off and other strange crap.... that option doesn't work either.
I like the way it's ran here, that's why I'm here
So you can't even say who you are mad at? :thinking:

Why would I get mad over something so trivial as that? I can point out something crass, classless, and dishonorable that shows an individual has zero character without getting upset over it.
Good lord. Eddie has said it many times before, if you don't like the way things are handled here, move along.

The record just skipped.

Edit: I retract the above statement. It falls into rediculous bantering. Let this thread die.
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