NY meeting


New member
Hey guys, just joined the site since I just got my new unlimited. Just wondering if there are any guys from the NY/ tri-state area looking to get something together. I'm a super noob when it comes to going on trails, but I gotta start somewhere. But I'm down to even just meet up and talk Jeeps.
Well, I came across a Jeep club, Richmond County Jeep Club, for anyone in the borroughs, not sure if they include LI, trying to get involved with them. Are there any decent trails in LI? All I've been told so far is the Pine Barrens is the best place for people in my area.
There are places to go but not legal .....beaches is about it but there's some spots in jersey our best bet is a trip to rausch creek best bang for buck and miles lol
I checked out the site for rausch creek, looks like a good time. As long as it has some super easy trails for me to start with I'm good to go lol
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