NORCAL: Rubicon Run - October 1-4

Can you not read? I was with the other 16 rigs moving from buck island to rubicon springs. I agree what MTG, Eddie and Cindy did was amazing. That's why I thanked them via PM since I could not in person.

I believe you're the only one making this a "NorCal love fest" as you called it. I thought we were all discussing how a few awesome people went out of their way on a Saturday to help a fellow community member. If this is about NorCal / SoCal maybe you should go start your own forum.

If none of this makes sense I'll write it in crayon and mail it. Just PM me your address.

Can you please speak slower I am a bit retarded (delayed) it's hard for me to read these big words. You're such a hypocrite.

This has nothing to do with NorCal or SoCal. It is you and all your Cronies that start every thread with a "NorCal" designation and run "NorCal" stickers. Perhaps it is you who should start your own forum. I am comfortable right here where I've been for the past few years thanks.
Just got home. Had a great weekend with great friends old and new. Can't wait for our next trip.

Big thanks to MTG, Eddie, and Cindy for helping us out this weekend. Really saved our weekend. Another shout out to Eddie and Cindy for putting all these great people in mine and my wife's lives, and pretty much taking their whole Saturday to help us out.

Just want to point out This seems like a very sincere thank you from one person who was there and needed his track bar welded and I would bet Eddie and Cindy were thanked in person as well
I wasn't there neither were you. Fill me in who else was there to help? Who else drive a part and a welder up to get someone off the trail?

I was called to bring a part up also. I could have been there that night and helped them out. They chose to wait for MTG, Eddie and Cindy to get it. So to say that they saved there weekend is a bit ridiculous I'm sure there where a lot of others that would be willing to take time out of there weekend to help out. It is nice to have people that you can call and that are willing to do what ever is needed. I am sure they thanked the people that need to be thanked and just because it was not a public thank you I guess it does not count.
Normally I don't like to extend threads with reiterations but in this case I cannot agree more with Overlander. :brows:

That's a pretty fucking lame thank you to a couple people who went out of there way to buy parts for you with their money and spend their entire day helping you with parts. At the very least you could take the time to personally thank Eddie, Cindy and MTG. Not that it'll have much meaning anymore.

True I wasn't there, but you were. Im sure you personally thanked him for coming up and helping the group you were leading, right? :idontknow:

Maybe you three should go cruise the For Sale threads and make sure everybody has waved or better yet, make sure they are not re posting "just so they can get more post"! Your not gonna bash Greg, Jason or anybody else that was on this trip like you do to newbies that just want to be part of the forum. You should post some helpful comments that build the forum, not post your "opinions" about ever word that everybody says. It's like you are 26 y/o and have no job except to post 17 times a day. Grow the F@#$ up!

Thank you Eddie, Cindy and MTG. Everybody thought that what you guys did was so nice and I was hoping to see you come down to hang out. After what you did this weekend, I would drop what I was doing and do the exact same thing for you.
Thank you Jason for doing what you promised the newbies on this trip. You stayed and help us get our rigs through a wet and dangerous Rubicon. It was the best trip I have ever had.
Can you please speak slower I am a bit retarded (delayed) it's hard for me to read these big words. You're such a hypocrite.

This has nothing to do with NorCal or SoCal. It is you and all your Cronies that start every thread with a "NorCal" designation and run "NorCal" stickers. Perhaps it is you who should start your own forum. I am comfortable right here where I've been for the past few years thanks.

Ok... Group hug for you and Overlander... And Then we can all go wheel.
It seems many have already posted up that everyone there (on the trail?) had said thank you to those who came out to help. Is that not good enough or are WAL forum thanks made in public the only thanks that matter?

This really can't boil down to a "If it's not posted on Wayalife then it didn't happen" can it?
Maybe you three should go cruise the For Sale threads and make sure everybody has waved or better yet, make sure they are not re posting "just so they can get more post"! Your not gonna bash Greg, Jason or anybody else that was on this trip like you do to newbies that just want to be part of the forum. You should post some helpful comments that build the forum, not post your "opinions" about ever word that everybody says. It's like you are 26 y/o and have no job except to post 17 times a day. Grow the F@#$ up!

Thank you Eddie, Cindy and MTG. Everybody thought that what you guys did was so nice and I was hoping to see you come down to hang out. After what you did this weekend, I would drop what I was doing and do the exact same thing for you.
Thank you Jason for doing what you promised the newbies on this trip. You stayed and help us get our rigs through a wet and dangerous Rubicon. It was the best trip I have ever had.

The beauty of this place is that you're not in charge and Eddie is. So I will continue to say what I said. Thanks for your opinion though.
Maybe you three should go cruise the For Sale threads and make sure everybody has waved or better yet, make sure they are not re posting "just so they can get more post"! Your not gonna bash Greg, Jason or anybody else that was on this trip like you do to newbies that just want to be part of the forum. You should post some helpful comments that build the forum, not post your "opinions" about ever word that everybody says. It's like you are 26 y/o and have no job except to post 17 times a day. Grow the F@#$ up!

Thank you Eddie, Cindy and MTG. Everybody thought that what you guys did was so nice and I was hoping to see you come down to hang out. After what you did this weekend, I would drop what I was doing and do the exact same thing for you.
Thank you Jason for doing what you promised the newbies on this trip. You stayed and help us get our rigs through a wet and dangerous Rubicon. It was the best trip I have ever had.

Yup... Well said
Can you please speak slower I am a bit retarded (delayed) it's hard for me to read these big words. You're such a hypocrite.

This has nothing to do with NorCal or SoCal. It is you and all your Cronies that start every thread with a "NorCal" designation and run "NorCal" stickers. Perhaps it is you who should start your own forum. I am comfortable right here where I've been for the past few years thanks.

The reason we start everything with NorCal is because the search is set up incorrectly on this forum. Tags don't work properly and indexes are crap. I could keep going but I wouldn't want to confuse your little brain. I would encourage you to "search" for branmans thread about it.

Yes I do run a NorCal sticker because I live here. I've made one for anyone that asks for them as well. If ya want ill make you one. We don't exclude anyone we enjoy meeting new people and wheeling with them. If I do recall there used to be WAL ones as well. Didn't you talk to someone on the rockin rubicon run about that?

I'm not sure how I'm a hypocrite...I would start my own forum if there wasn't such a great community here. Thanks for being part of it :yup:
Just want to point out This seems like a very sincere thank you from one person who was there and needed his track bar welded and I would bet Eddie and Cindy were thanked in person as well

It seems many have already posted up that everyone there (on the trail?) had said thank you to those who came out to help. Is that not good enough or are WAL forum thanks made in public the only thanks that matter?

This really can't boil down to a "If it's not posted on Wayalife then it didn't happen" can it?

This has nothing to do with rubirick or anyone else saying thank you. This has to do with rox star quoting Panda who took the time to say thank you.

If you can't take two seconds more to type out a thank you to people who brought you parts when you broke on the trail, then you deserve to be called out.
Maybe you three should go cruise the For Sale threads and make sure everybody has waved or better yet, make sure they are not re posting "just so they can get more post"! Your not gonna bash Greg, Jason or anybody else that was on this trip like you do to newbies that just want to be part of the forum. You should post some helpful comments that build the forum, not post your "opinions" about ever word that everybody says. It's like you are 26 y/o and have no job except to post 17 times a day. Grow the F@#$ up!

Thank you Eddie, Cindy and MTG. Everybody thought that what you guys did was so nice and I was hoping to see you come down to hang out. After what you did this weekend, I would drop what I was doing and do the exact same thing for you.
Thank you Jason for doing what you promised the newbies on this trip. You stayed and help us get our rigs through a wet and dangerous Rubicon. It was the best trip I have ever had.

Fucking mother Theresa over here. Lol
This has nothing to do with rubirick or anyone else saying thank you. This has to do with rox star quoting Panda who took the time to say thank you.

If you can't take two seconds more to type out a thank you to people who brought you parts when you broke on the trail, then you deserve to be called out.

My question is how did you even know who broke? Was it ever said on this forum?
This has nothing to do with NorCal or SoCal. It is you and all your Cronies that start every thread with a "NorCal" designation and run "NorCal" stickers. Perhaps it is you who should start your own forum. I am comfortable right here where I've been for the past few years thanks.

Well if that comment doesn't insinuate a dislike for NorCal I don't know what does.

Also what's wrong with NorCal stickers? I may just be a "Cronie" but doesn't Wayalife sell NorCal and SoCal stickers?



The reason we start everything with NorCal is because the search is set up incorrectly on this forum. Tags don't work properly and indexes are crap. I could keep going but I wouldn't want to confuse your little brain. I would encourage you to "search" for branmans thread about it.

Yes I do run a NorCal sticker because I live here. I've made one for anyone that asks for them as well. If ya want ill make you one. We don't exclude anyone we enjoy meeting new people and wheeling with them. If I do recall there used to be WAL ones as well. Didn't you talk to someone on the rockin rubicon run about that?

I'm not sure how I'm a hypocrite...I would start my own forum if there wasn't such a great community here. Thanks for being part of it :yup:

You are a hypocrite because you are quick to make personal attacks about my intellect, little brain, writing in crayon, but you are so offended by the word "retard." Funny I didn't attack you personally just asked some questions and you got all fired up. It's okay I am used to people attacking me due to their own pent up aggression.

LOL yes I did ask Joey about his sticker. In case you haven't noticed there are not regions here like at the old forum, but I won't bother you with the details. My small brain can't think of anything of substance to say.
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