That's really cool that the gear box fit. As far as the PS pump pulley, most require a specialty puller. Get a decent quality one as the cheap ones don't work well, imo. Take a look at your pulley, but something like this should work:
View attachment 340481
the Gladiator is back together :yup:
i am stoked!! super happy!!
everything went back together without much hassle and everything fits pretty well
here my Son is bussy putting the grille back in. the final touch so to say :clap2:
after the hassle with the disc brake conversion this was a super easy install.
the Gladiator is a pleasure to drive now
here are some pics of the body damage we encountered and the repairs we had to make.
55 years of dirt and farm roads just don't go unnoticed
this Gladiator belonged to a well drilling company and was used to haul the well drilling rig and tools around Namibia in times where asphalted roads where reserved to main streets in towns.