My 2011 Transmission is DONE, GRAY TRANNY FLUID


I noticed last week my tranny fluid was a strange color (gray) and took it to a local Jeep dealership. The advisor told me "bad news, looks like water got it and well you must have submerged it in water for too long" :surprise: I lightly wheel my rig and the most "water" it has been in went probably to the top of my 17in rim (not to the top of my 35 tire). Long story short the advisor told me that "well there is nothing I can do as far as turning this in to Chrysler for warranty work." He advised me to flush the fluid which cost $306 and to come back in 500 miles. The next morning I called a another dealership and spoke to a advisor that really helped calm my head. He basically told me, "water is not supposed to get in there, and if it did well something isnt right with the unit." He told me that as soon as I have issues with it, bring it in and they will take care of the repairs. So... Here we are three days after my tranny flush, GRAY fluid again... I have an appointment to take it to dealership number 2, and hopefully get it worked on under warranty. If that goes well, then off to dealership number 1 to DEMAND my money back!! Wish me luck guys and gals!!!! :dont_know:
So... Here we are three days after my tranny flush, GRAY fluid again... I have an appointment to take it to dealership number 2, and hopefully get it worked on under warranty. If that goes well, then off to dealership number 1 to DEMAND my money back!! Wish me luck guys and gals!!!! :dont_know:

did you do water crossings again after the tranny flush or it's just gray again? good luck with it
Take a close look at the antifreeze, is it low? Does it have oil in it? The factory trans cooler is part of the radiator, if there is a leak between the two it could explain your issue. They need to pressure test the cooling system.
If that is true on the combo tranny cooler/ radiator that would make a lot of sense. the extended the warranty on the nissan xterra trannys for the same failure.
Well great news... Warranty repair!! The transmission tech said the gray in the fluid is from a aluminum part that grinded into a powder. No oil or other fluids found when they dropped the pan just gray sludge and some powdery grit(tranny parts).
Just got off the phone with the advisor. My torque converter is toast. They are waiting on Chrysler to tell Them to either repair or replace the tranny. I'm glad all this is going to be taken care of under warranty! I have found out myself the difference between a Jeep friendly Jeep dealership, and a not so Jeep friendly Jeep Stealership.
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