Mojave Cross Desert Camping Trip - Novemeber 17th

I didn't want to piss on the run over on JK-Forum that's why I kept quiet but sure glad to see you made your way over here and saw this run! Looking forward to seeing you again. :thumb:

Cool deal... I hope the weather cooperates with us next week.
I sit here with my head hung low with "The Chief", that would be Susan informing me that I should learn to actually read the calendar and not just say that I did. The Chief has informed me that her pre-purchased tickets to see Cleopatra and the Endeavor exhibit trump a trip to the Mojave.

I'm sure everyone will have a great time on this trip. We'll have to see everyone at another time. Hopefully before Moab.

Take Care,
Ken & Susan
Count me in! It would be great to meet everybody!

cool, you've been added to the list :thumb:

Cool deal... I hope the weather cooperates with us next week.

you and me both.

I sit here with my head hung low with "The Chief", that would be Susan informing me that I should learn to actually read the calendar and not just say that I did. The Chief has informed me that her pre-purchased tickets to see Cleopatra and the Endeavor exhibit trump a trip to the Mojave.

I'm sure everyone will have a great time on this trip. We'll have to see everyone at another time. Hopefully before Moab.

Take Care,
Ken & Susan

I really want to join. WOL, I will be able to roll out at 1130 and would like to meet up with the group. Could I call you up and find out where I can meet you guys?
Please be advised that I have updated this run with the following information:

The Plan:
We will be meeting up at Bravo Burger in Victorville and rolling by 8:30 AM. If you want to join Cindy and I for breakfast, we'll be there at 7:30 AM. From there, we'll be heading out across I-15 and into the Mojave National Preserve. Our first stop along the way will be over at the newly established Mojave Cross War Memorial. This is after all the whole reason why we planned this trip. From there, we will make our way off pavement and to our camp site for night. The following morning, we'll be giving the option for people to just head on out for home or, to join us for more sight seeing as we make our way back toward Barstow.

What You Will Need:
• As mentioned, this will be an easy trip and there will be no minimum vehicle requirements.
• A CB radio is highly recommended but, not required.
• It will be cold - REALLY COLD at night and so you will NEED to pack accordingly. Make sure to bring enough warm cloths, a tent and a sleeping bag is rated low enough to keep you comfortable all night long.
• Make sure to bring a good pair of boots.
• Even though it won't be hot out, you need to make sure to pack plenty of water for you and your passengers. This is still the desert and the rule of thumb is 1 gallon of water per person per day.
• You also need to pack enough food for you and your passengers as you will need to feed yourselves. Also, pack snacks and be prepaired to munch while driving - this is a big group and I can't always guarantee when we'll be stopping for lunch.
• You NEED to be prepaired to pack out what you pack in. There are no trash facilities anywhere along the trail and you are responsible for hauling everything back out with you.
• You NEED to be prepaired to dig holes and bury your shit. There are no toilets on this trip and there's nothing worse than people leaving shit and shit-stained streamers of toilet paper flying through the desert.
• Again, it will be cold at night and everyone is REQUIRED to bring a bundle of wood.
Cow Cove Petroglyphs (goggle for more info) are 8 miles SW of 15 and Cima Rd. Short hike to
see 1776 glyphs, I know, I helped count them 20 years ago. Just a thought of what else to see.
Cow Cove Petroglyphs (goggle for more info) are 8 miles SW of 15 and Cima Rd. Short hike to
see 1776 glyphs, I know, I helped count them 20 years ago. Just a thought of what else to see.

that would be cool but, we'll have to see how things go. this is a big group and you know how long it takes to get something like it moving.

Hey Eddie, you can remove my name from the maybe list... :grayno: Have a good time though!

bummer, sorry that you can't make it :grayno:
So are we meeting up in Victorville Friday or Saturday morning? I have a feeling it's Saturday but just asking. :D
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Hey Eddie, Can you please remove me from the may be list. My jeep will not be completed before the trip so bumbed!:bummed::tantrum::gaah:
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