Looks like we're a Jeep only family now

colo dean

Was time to look at replacing my truck. Ended up at the Jeep dealer and the wife fell in love with a new 4 door Jeep. Ended up coming home in it. It's the Sport and pretty much plain Jane for now. We looked at the Rubi and Sahara but she decided that eventually she wants 37's and D60's and this and that and.. (I love my wife) so there wasn't any reason to get features that will eventually go away so the Sport seemed logical and less damage to the finances. Now if anyone cares to start an I'm addicted to Jeeps and am broke fund for me I'd appreciate it :)
Couple shots after getting home.

We now have a 2015 4dr for her, 2014 2 dr for me, and the 74 CJ5 for my oldest. The youngest (12) has said he wants a flat fender for his first vehicle. Glad I still have some time for that one. Did laugh, we had to get groceries and the youngest asked if we were taking the Jeep. The wife replied "that's all we have now"
Thanks folks! To add to it my father has the sunset orange 4dr and my sister has an anvil 4dr. Need to find a place to get a family photo (of Jeeps). On a side note, looking at other Hydro's and their mods, they are either blue/black or blue/white. Never had a blue vehicle before, what would a good accent color be other than black or white?

p.s. thanks mod for moving to proper forum section
i went looking with no intention to buy another Jeep. I think the hydro blue has hypnotic voodoo powers because after the sale was complete and driving it home I heard mine whisper - welcome to the collective, you will be assimilated :crazyeyes:

Congrats! :thumb:
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