Live trapping


New member
Anyone live trap any critters?

I grew up coon hunting alot, so me and my buddies used to run traps a lot to catch racoons to train younger dogs, and that wound up being a whole new adventure itself!

I've almost always only trapped raccoons and possoms, but I'm running traps tonight foe beaver for the first time.

Being the safety coordinator at my school, I was given the task to control the beavers in a pond on the school property. The pond feeds a small creek, in which the beavers have dammed up and turned about an acre of woods into a swamp. We've had a couple larger trees fall due to the ground being soft, so the director decided its time to do something. Have to use live traps via the schools request. No firearms on campus, and they kindly asked me to not use jaw traps.

So for any of my fellow wayalifers who've trapped before, I'd love to hear your stories, as well as advice.


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I don't have any advise. I could use some myself. I meed to trap some skunks. Hope some of you weigh in on this one. Of course.. If you want to trap a wife... Mine comes free of charge. And she's not hard to get. . I'll even throw in some 35's and cash. She's all yours.
I don't have any advise. I could use some myself. I meed to trap some skunks. Hope some of you weigh in on this one. Of course.. If you want to trap a wife... Mine comes free of charge. And she's not hard to get. . I'll even throw in some 35's and cash. She's all yours.

Haha I've already about go one. We've been together just over 4 years and trying to decide on what to do about a house then set a date.

Being a beaver hunter my self I have plenty of stories but I don't think they are forum friendly.

Different kind of beaver I believe haha.

I had a t shirt in high school I got in trouble for that said "save a tree, eat a beaver". That turned out to be an interesting day lol

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Just got a live trap set and moved elsewhere to do some frog gigging to pass the time haha. Done killed a 4 foot water moccasin!!!:eek::eek:

Sent from my Z796C using WAYALIFE mobile app
I don't have any advise. I could use some myself. I meed to trap some skunks. Hope some of you weigh in on this one. Of course.. If you want to trap a wife... Mine comes free of charge. And she's not hard to get. . I'll even throw in some 35's and cash. She's all yours.

Can we see pics of the 35's? Sorry, couldn't resist, lol.
Unfortunately someone left jaw traps set for coyotes in a field not too far from my house. A guy walking his dog got to see the result first hand. I don't believe F&G ever figured out who had set the traps.
Unfortunately someone left jaw traps set for coyotes in a field not too far from my house. A guy walking his dog got to see the result first hand. I don't believe F&G ever figured out who had set the traps.

I hate when stuff like that happens. I've always favored live traps due to if you catch something you didn't intend to catch, you can release it. I caught my neighbors cat one time several years ago, I put on some welding gloves to handle the cage to release it, that sucker was meaner than any raccoon I've ever caught.

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Our property here in OR. is overrun with Skunks. We do have a bunch of Raccoons along with a few feral cats.
We hire this professional trapper that comes out with catch-em alive traps that look like a big fiberglass paper box. (Like you mount on your mailbox)
It only has a few holes in the door.
He sets the traps and makes like a salad with some dog food thrown in for croutons. The skunks love it and he will normally get one or two a night.

He says he then picks them up gently and puts them in the back of his truck and drives up to a spot on the river in the Nat. Forest. He puts on his waders and takes them out in the river and lets them go underwater. Then runs like heck back up to the truck.

He has driven by us on the way out a few times and it seems the skunk did not like going for a ride. :cheesy:

This guy gets paid a pretty nice chunk to provide this service. My boss is all for it. I have a deal worked out with him where he will just release the kitties on site so they can continue with mouse and rat control.

While trying to catch a feral kitten myself, I caught a baby raccoon one night. I was like aww I will take a picture for my daughter. Well when I went and got my camera and came back there was about 5 baby raccoons and they were all trying to get there little buddy out of the cage. Momma just stayed off about 50 feet away and wanted nothing to do with getting any closer.
The babies were all just rolling around and pushing on, biting, and pulling every way they could to get their sibling out. It was kind of sad so I just let the little guy out.

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Unfortunately someone left jaw traps set for coyotes in a field not too far from my house. A guy walking his dog got to see the result first hand. I don't believe F&G ever figured out who had set the traps.

Damn. I've been looking for those traps for a while now. I set them and meant to come back for them, but the DUI checkpoint made me use the alternate route (been sippin on some of grandpa's cough syrup...thank god for the newspaper announcements) and I forgot.
Damn. I've been looking for those traps for a while now. I set them and meant to come back for them, but the DUI checkpoint made me use the alternate route (been sippin on some of grandpa's cough syrup...thank god for the newspaper announcements) and I forgot.

See!!! Nothing good can come of checkpoints! Now dogs are in danger! :grayno:
Damn. I've been looking for those traps for a while now. I set them and meant to come back for them, but the DUI checkpoint made me use the alternate route (been sippin on some of grandpa's cough syrup...thank god for the newspaper announcements) and I forgot.

It was in the fields at the bottom of Wedge Parkway. We used to run Daisy there, not anymore.
See!!! Nothing good can come of checkpoints! Now dogs are in danger! :grayno:

Well, truth be told I only drive around and set traps whilst avoiding DUI checkpoints when completely shit faced...not buzzed mind you, but totally fucked up. I get a copy of my Constitution, at least ANOTHER 12 pack and my jaw traps and go out looking for trouble. Don't let Sharkey fool you, he comes out with me at least 3 times a week.
Well, truth be told I only drive around and set traps whilst avoiding DUI checkpoints when completely shit faced...not buzzed mind you, but totally fucked up. I get a copy of my Constitution, at least ANOTHER 12 pack and my jaw traps and go out looking for trouble. Don't let Sharkey fool you, he comes out with me at least 3 times a week.

Windows all the way down I bet!
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