Life on the Road


New member
Well.... this week my Jeep took me to Crystal Cove State Park..... and I've started a life on the road! Who knows where my Jeep will take me next.... but it's gonna be quite an adventure! :thumb: :rock:

Carson City's gonna be getting a visitor in a few weeks! Look out! :eek: :D
Well.... this week my Jeep took me to Crystal Cove State Park..... and I've started a life on the road! Who knows where my Jeep will take me next.... but it's gonna be quite an adventure! :thumb: :rock:

Carson City's gonna be getting a visitor in a few weeks! Look out! :eek: :D

:cheesy: What in the hell?!!!

I'm gonna have to change your username to vagabond! I so can't believe you're doing this and yet, I so CAN believe it. Looking forward to seeing more updates and to seeing you soon. Let me know if you want me to move this post and make it your own thread so that it'll be easier for people to follow. :cool:
:cheesy: What in the hell?!!!

I'm gonna have to change your username to vagabond! I so can't believe you're doing this and yet, I so CAN believe it. Looking forward to seeing more updates and to seeing you soon. Let me know if you want me to move this post and make it your own thread so that it'll be easier for people to follow. :cool:

Haha! Yep I'm one crazy dude but I think you knew that. :D In fact.... you are a big part of why this happened... It's was you who first suggested the trailer! :thumbup: I dunno, yeah maybe a thread for it would be cool. I will do my best to keep it lively and entertaining! See you in July! My trailer may be tiny but it's time for my Jeep to groooooow!
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I can see you doing this matt.
Let us know when your in our neck of the woods.
Have fun!!
Nice trailer too!
Haha! Yep I'm one crazy dude but I think you knew that. :D In fact.... you are a big part of why this happened... It's was you who first suggested the trailer! :thumbup: I dunno, yeah maybe a thread for it would be cool. I will do my best to keep it lively and entertaining! See you in July! My trailer may be tiny but it's time for my Jeep to groooooow!

That's a good pick up line, my trailer may be tiny,,
If I can figure out how to fit my two daughters, two dogs and my wife in that little trailer, I might just go for it too!
Wow guys, thanks so much for the encouragement! :thumb: I am already having an awesome adventure. I've migrated over to Dockweiler RV Park for a bit while I'm taking care of some business but plan to get on the road and see as much as I can very soon... and there will definitely be some wheeling in that future! My job is centered in LA but will allow me to travel quite often and I have some cool places lined up over the next month or so.

In the meantime, Dockweiler isn't quite as lovely as Crystal Cove but it's still pretty nice waking up on the beach!

I will try to update once a week or so.... the next one will be a tour of my little Casita Patriot.... not sure CandAMudders & Co will fit! :cheesy:

Happy Jeeping!
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