Life Lessons from a Supra guy that can certainly be applied to our beloved Jeeps

As true as it gets. But now i have an itch for getting a Supra, i have a feeling I didn't quite grasp the theme of that video.
So the lesson is be content with what you have when you get it to where you like it? I'm definitely nowhere near that yet haha
if your looking for people who are content with their vehicles i think your in the wrong place :brows: but i loved the video thats how we all are its just our nature to go bigger and better thats what pushes us to push the limits of our vehicles :rock:
There will always be more, bigger, and better things that we want. Just our nature but I can definitely see what the lesson is. You'll usually always be unhappy and running into problems. I went through my fast and furious phase before my JK. Had an '02 Honda accord 4 dr. Did engine swap, made it 5 spd. Coilovers, exhaust etc. Ended up not being able to drive it and having to sell it. Im still looking to buy a toy eventually but now I'm fixated on american. Old or new. Only thing that could bring me back to imports is if I get my hands on a supra or a r34 skyline. And as I think about all this I can feel my pockets getting lighter :-D lol
"2JZ engine... No shit...
You know what, this will decimate all after you put about 15 grand in it or more...
If we have to, overnight parts from Japan."

Haha oh I see what you did there. "You owe me a 10 second car, not a 10 minute car"
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