JK Rear Reclining Split Bench

Blue Weim

New member
Has anyone modified or know of any kits to modify the rear bench seat so that it will recline. I already installed one that gives it a little bit of recline but its a fixed position and it does not recline very much. Looking to have it adjustable and recline at least to a 45 degree angle.

Thank you
Only thing I've see it to install the mastercraft reclining seats in the rear. Looks great, but a little pricy.
I wonder if the WK2 rear seat will fit in a JKU with some modding. It reclines to a rather nice angle. Not 45 degrees but enough to get comfortable and sleep .I had a WK2 Laredo before the JKU. It would probably cost more to get WK2 seats than aftermarket but perhaps a junked one would work.
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