Insane Canyon Rope Swing!!

Yeah, the guy who made that video has a pretty cool channel on Youtube. He has a lot of money/time/friends so he makes a lot of cool stuff.

I couldn't do it. You have to climb up the rope back to the top.

No bueno. lol
I showed my wife the edited version and she said on the opening scene "your crazy my stomach is already getting that sick feeling". :eek:
I'd love to think that the RadioShack one would do the trick but, the ones we've looked into tend to range from $4000-$25000 or more.

What? You don't want to slap a $2000 camera to a $400 toy from the Shack? :crazyeyes:
Holy Cow! I knew he was gonna push her and she trusted him not to do it. If they're still together I'll bet there was a long summer with no rain after the push. Cool stunt though.:eek:
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