how's this for coincidence

Haha that's pretty cool. How exactly did you stumble upon this?
at work this morning, surfing youtube videos of rubicon trips and google street of intersections nearby. i'm planning a trip later this summer - btw, i don't know who these guys are, i wonder if they realize they are on google street..i don't have a youtube account so i can't notify the video poster
Now Google should mount a camera on a JEEP so Rubicon "trail view" could bee seen.
not yet but they do ski slopes (drag & drop the golden dude),-106.052485&spn=0.052609,0.107117&t=m&z=14,-106.152306&spn=0.0526,0.107117&t=m&z=14

and footpaths and piers (San Diego),235.13,,0,11.61

unfortunately the links are gone, but just a few months ago you could literally go into the Palomar Market and the Taco Shop and walk the isles. I kid you not. In the Palomar Market you could go to the back of the store where the drink refrigerators are. In the front, the cashier was standing behind the counter (his face blurred out). Someone must have complained. In the Taco Shop, they have 'Mexican Wrestling Mask' lining the walls. Any local on here can go in and verify if you think I'm bs'n. The 'arrow' to get on the sidewalk and enter the stores has been disabled.,10.36,,0,12.17,354.92,,0,7.63
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