How Many Times have you been Pulled Over in Your Jeep?


Staff member

Just got home from a long day out on the trail and, just as we were about an hour from home, a CHP lighted me up. Being that I was in the fast lane and doing about 70+ MPH at the time, I thought for sure I was going to get a speeding ticket. After I pulled over, the cop walked up to the passenger side window... stared at me with a somewhat exasperated look for a moment, gave Moby the once over and then proceeded to say something to the effect of "This this is serious!! You cannot be driving this thing on the street - license and registration please". To this, I ask in bewilderment, "Do I not have my mudflaps on??" And, just as the words leave my mouth, I remember that I don't and to make matters worse, I don't have my driving light covers on either. So, before he answers, I explain that I have mudflaps but just came off the trail and totally forgot to put them back on. I go on to say that I have light covers for my lights too but forgot to put them on as well. To this, he looks at me dumbly and says, "well, I haven't even gone up front yet..." as in, you should stop while you're ahead!! :doh:

Well, long story short, he turned out to being one of the coolest CHP officers I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. He was actually a really funny guy and for a while, I wasn't sure if I should be laughing at some of the comments he was making. Of course, I later find out that he's not only got a Defender 90 but has a built up CJ5 with a 401 under the hood too. Anyway, when I tell him that I would be getting him my registration which was in the glove box, he said not to bother unless I wanted to get a ticket. Needless to say - he let me off. :wings:

Before that, I got pulled over back in October for doing 55 MPH on the Kingsbury Grade (35 MPH limit for a reason) at 4:30 AM. The Sherriff was super cool, told me to "Please keep it under light speed especially with those tires."

Before that, I got pulled over on my way to the Rubicon Trailhead by a little CHP officer with zero personality for not having mud flaps on (Not wanting to carry them, I left them back at our place in South Lake Tahoe). He said I needed to wear them until I got to the trailhead and then needed to put them back on the minute I got off the trail.

Before that, I got pulled over in Bridgeport by a nice CHP officer in training who said that I needed wider fenders. When I explained that I just recently installed a set of mud flaps to get my previous ticket written off, he said that he really just pulled me over because his supervisor was watching everything he did. He went on to say that he loves Jeeps and that his brother inlaw had one similar to mine. I later find out that his brother in law is someone I know personally - small world.

Before that, I got pulled over on my way back from Laughlin by what I thought was a midget CHP officer with no personality, in a white car (code enforcement) and for not having mud flaps and no front license plate. And, while I was understanding about my ticket, it really pissed me off that he would follow me to the next off ramp where all my friends were waiting and proceed to give them shit too.

Before that, I got pulled over by a Tahoe Sherriff for a rolling stop. But, he was way cool and let me off with a warning.

Before that, I got pulled over by a Dana Point motorcycle cop, again, with no personality and this time for doing 35 MPH in a 25 MPH. His exact words to me were, "I probably wouldn't have noticed you if it weren't for your enormous tires." He went on to say "Do you have any idea what it's like to ride a bike and get hit by a rock?" In the end, he hit me up for speeding and no mud flaps.

There might be others especially in regards to mud flaps but, that's all I can remember for now. Before that, I had a pretty clean record for over 20 years. Well, except for the time that I got a ticket for not having mud flaps on my CJ :rolleyes2:

So, there's my story - how about you? How many times have you been pulled over in your Jeep? Did you get a ticket and if so, why? Please do tell :yup:
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But I enjoy reading about yours. ;)

With as fast as I drive it's a miracle that I haven't been pulled over yet.

BTW--remember that radar detector I bought right before the suds and grub? It paid for itself on the way home. This guy who I had been following for about 20 miles (I won't say how fast ;)) wasn't so lucky. :(


I'm sorry but this made me laugh pretty hard. Before that...before that... Before that... Before that and so on. Thanks for the laugh!

I have yet to be pulled over. Knock on wood.
Haven't been pulled over yet but I know it's coming. I fear i will get written up for all kinds of violations, no mud flaps, windows tinted, fenders not wide enough, no covers on my soon to be purchased lights, no front plate. Seems like Moby is a magnet,I don't know why I can't get myself to put my mud flaps on , "I just can't do it"
Yeah, 2 months ago was caught by hand held radar doing 65kmh in a 50 zone. He walked past my window, and around my Jeep, ( tires sticking out past fenders, wheel spacers, Smittybilt SRC with no mud flaps ), came up to me and said, this is a very nice Jeep, he was thinking of getting one. we talked Jeeps about 15 mins, then he told me to go on the web site on the ticket, and tell them I haven't been booked in 10 yrs, they'll let me off with a caution. So I did, and they did. End the end he still booked me for speeding, but it could have been a little worse.
Oddly enough, I've only been pulled over once in my JK, for doing doing about 35mph, in a 45, in the northern VA "snowmageddon" of winter 2009. There was about 14" of snow on the ground and I was throttling my way up a very steep hill in Stafford, to pick up some nurses that my wife worked with at an adult assisted living center, and they all needed a ride to work. One of them happened to live up the end of a rather steep hill. On the way up I passed a VA State patrol Tahoe that was in the ditch off the side of this hill, and I assumed it was empty. On the way back down the hill, he flagged me down and gave me a speech about how I was driving too fast for the current road conditions, and asked why I was even out in the conditions. I told him my wife and the passenger in the back were essential at their work place and I was getting them there, and also asked him if his ill equipped for the conditions Tahoe was stuck(I had chains on my 35" Mud Grapplers), and if he would like to borrow my winch rope. Turns up he lived in the condos at the top of the hill where my wife's coworker lived, and he was actually on his way home from work when his Tahoe got stuck trying to climb it. That apparently broke the ice and he let me winch him out of the ditch so he could make his way up the rest of the hill. I stuck around till he made it up, and went on my way.

I actually got into my JK, my 5th Jeep, after selling my 2004 SVT Cobra. I got into way to much trouble in that car with the law, which was my reason for selling it. It was a street car, that required a cage to be ran at the track, since it ran in the 10.20 range in the 1/4 mile at 130ish mph, and would bury the 160 mph speedo and then some starting from a 30-40 mph roll in just over 20 seconds. It had a Whipple 2.3L W140AZ twin screw compressor on it pullied for 23psi on 100 octane, and 17psi on pump 93. The 17psi tune made 613rwhp and 580rwtq. Car pulled like an animal on the street. But sadly it was too fast for the street and I washed my hands of the fast car scene and got back into Jeeps. So far my JK has done a great job of keeping me interested and out of trouble.
Cool stories. Never in the Jeep. But, first week we got it my wife was driving and got a speeding ticket. So now she will only drive her Honda. It's funny when I replaced the 225's for 255's I know they are small compared to most of you guys she drove it and called me later and said "holy crap it's like driving a monster truck". LOL, she's in for a suprise when I actually get a real lift and tires!!:)
Oh wow, you know what I just thought of Eddie,:cheesy:, this is what happens when you take Moby out on an overlander trip on the way home. LOL. Should of gone the back roads.:cheesy::cheesy:. Sorry it's not funny though. LOL.
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Ive been pulled over way to many times in the past. I lost my dl twice. Had a trooper chase me and he was mad I made him go 150 to catch me. I was pulled over for speeding twice within like 4 years by the same trooper! I have been stopped once in the jk, and it was a mean cop who had a girl in the front seat who wasnt a cop and was trying to impress her. I got a window tint ticket. This cop was driving the other way and made a u turn just for that... and he was out of his jurisdiction. .
Eddie I think u take the cake though!
U got some funny stories.
Sorry had to say it. It was to much for this smart ass to pass up. I think there's few members on this forum that have a Jeep that's totally road worthy ( by law ), and yet they're ( in my opinion ) safer to drive on road than some of these other cars that seem to pass.:thinking: The best built Jeep that I know of, and it can't drive down a tarred road. Are they insane.
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Only once. I was driving home from the Rodeo around 11pm. The rodeo was held just outside of town where the speedlimit was 45mph. As I entered city limits the speed limit droped to 25mph. When he aproached the Jeep he asked me if I had been drinking at the Rodeo. I hadn't and we ended up talk about the Jeep for about 15min. I had my doors off, he said he didn't realize jeeps could take their doors off, didn't realized that Jeep made 4door models. I'm not sure; but I think after all the info about jeeps, he might've went and bought one the next day.
Okay, here's one where I didn't actually get lit up but, still ended up having a chat with the CHP. :D

On the way out to our annual end of summer party up in the mountains, I noticed a CHP officer sitting on the side of the highway looking for someone to nab. Steady in our lane and doing the speed limit, I was hoping that he'd think nothing of us but, soon after passing him, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw he had pulled out with a purpose and was heading our way. One by one, I watched with grief as the officer passed up each Jeep in our caravan. When he caught up to us, he pulled along side and the officer started to make a motion with his hand that I thought was a signal to "pull over". Assuming the worst, I got ready to do just that when much to my surprise, the CHP suddenly slowed up and made a U-turn - what a relief!

After meeting up with a few other friends and topping off our tanks at a gas station near by, I just happened to see a black and white car pulling off the highway and heading right for us. Of course, as the car got closer, I noticed that it was in fact the exact same CHP from earlier that morning and after coming to a stop, the officer inside got out and started walking right for our JK. At the time, I was standing in front of the mini-mart and was at least a good 40 feet away and in the middle of a small crowd but, as soon as the officer saw me, he changed course and marched on over. Holding my breath and expecting the worst, I was stupefied to hear him say... "hey - I'm sorry about what happened earlier, I wasn't trying to freak you out... I've seen all your videos and love them - I just wanted to say hello."

Go figure :whew::crazyeyes: :D :cool:
Okay, here's one where I didn't actually get lit up but, still ended up having a chat with the CHP. :D

On the way out to our annual end of summer party up in the mountains, I noticed a CHP officer sitting on the side of the highway looking for someone to nab. Steady in our lane and doing the speed limit, I was hoping that he'd think nothing of us but, soon after passing him, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw he had pulled out with a purpose and was heading our way. One by one, I watched with grief as the officer passed up each Jeep in our caravan. When he caught up to us, he pulled along side and the officer started to make a motion with his hand that I thought was a signal to "pull over". Assuming the worst, I got ready to do just that when much to my surprise, the CHP suddenly slowed up and made a U-turn - what a relief!

After meeting up with a few other friends and topping off our tanks at a gas station near by, I just happened to see a black and white car pulling off the highway and heading right for us. Of course, as the car got closer, I noticed that it was in fact the exact same CHP from earlier that morning and after coming to a stop, the officer inside got out and started walking right for our JK. At the time, I was standing in front of the mini-mart and was at least a good 40 feet away and in the middle of a small crowd but, as soon as the officer saw me, he changed course and marched on over. Holding my breath and expecting the worst, I was stupefied to hear him say... "hey - I'm sorry about what happened earlier, I wasn't trying to freak you out... I've seen all your videos and love them - I just wanted to say hello."

Go figure :whew::crazyeyes: :D :cool:

Only you...
Okay, here's one where I didn't actually get lit up but, still ended up having a chat with the CHP. :D

On the way out to our annual end of summer party up in the mountains, I noticed a CHP officer sitting on the side of the highway looking for someone to nab. Steady in our lane and doing the speed limit, I was hoping that he'd think nothing of us but, soon after passing him, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw he had pulled out with a purpose and was heading our way. One by one, I watched with grief as the officer passed up each Jeep in our caravan. When he caught up to us, he pulled along side and the officer started to make a motion with his hand that I thought was a signal to "pull over". Assuming the worst, I got ready to do just that when much to my surprise, the CHP suddenly slowed up and made a U-turn - what a relief!

After meeting up with a few other friends and topping off our tanks at a gas station near by, I just happened to see a black and white car pulling off the highway and heading right for us. Of course, as the car got closer, I noticed that it was in fact the exact same CHP from earlier that morning and after coming to a stop, the officer inside got out and started walking right for our JK. At the time, I was standing in front of the mini-mart and was at least a good 40 feet away and in the middle of a small crowd but, as soon as the officer saw me, he changed course and marched on over. Holding my breath and expecting the worst, I was stupefied to hear him say... "hey - I'm sorry about what happened earlier, I wasn't trying to freak you out... I've seen all your videos and love them - I just wanted to say hello."

Go figure :whew::crazyeyes: :D :cool:

:cheesy: That's great!

I haven't been pulled over in the Jeep yet and only a few times in other cars. I find it is hard for me to speed in the manual transmission.:idontknow:

These are great stories!
Okay, here's one where I didn't actually get lit up but, still ended up having a chat with the CHP. :D

On the way out to our annual end of summer party up in the mountains, I noticed a CHP officer sitting on the side of the highway looking for someone to nab. Steady in our lane and doing the speed limit, I was hoping that he'd think nothing of us but, soon after passing him, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw he had pulled out with a purpose and was heading our way. One by one, I watched with grief as the officer passed up each Jeep in our caravan. When he caught up to us, he pulled along side and the officer started to make a motion with his hand that I thought was a signal to "pull over". Assuming the worst, I got ready to do just that when much to my surprise, the CHP suddenly slowed up and made a U-turn - what a relief!

After meeting up with a few other friends and topping off our tanks at a gas station near by, I just happened to see a black and white car pulling off the highway and heading right for us. Of course, as the car got closer, I noticed that it was in fact the exact same CHP from earlier that morning and after coming to a stop, the officer inside got out and started walking right for our JK. At the time, I was standing in front of the mini-mart and was at least a good 40 feet away and in the middle of a small crowd but, as soon as the officer saw me, he changed course and marched on over. Holding my breath and expecting the worst, I was stupefied to hear him say... "hey - I'm sorry about what happened earlier, I wasn't trying to freak you out... I've seen all your videos and love them - I just wanted to say hello."

Go figure :whew::crazyeyes: :D :cool:

I laughed at that one again. Still funny and I agree, only you. :cheesy:
I once got pulled over for not having plates on my jeep this was about 3 weeks after getting the jeep and my plates have not arrived yet, but I had the sticker in the front windshield. Long story short we were doing nothing wrong and we were just sitting at a light and he lights me up and calls backup I had 5 police cars behind me in seconds for no reason. This is the second time it has happened to me in the same town.
I have been pulled over one time in my JK.

In April this year I had three weeks of leave and no vacation plans so the wife, daughter and I packed up the JK and headed from Coldwater, MI to visit my family in Mesa, Az all while traversing as much of Route 66 as we could. While stopped in Amarillo enjoying some steaks at the Big Texan we decided to take a detour once we got to Grants, NM and head into El Malpais National Conservation Area as we had never been through there and did not know when we would ever get back. So once we get to Grants, NM we hop on the 53 (also known as "The Ancient Way") and head off to El Malpais. Heading down the 53 into on our way to Northern, Az we decide to explore some dirt roads through the mountains and eventually we run through a town called Ramah, NM... Population 400 or something crazy small like that. Coming off the dirt road back onto the highway I there was no speed limit sign, so I assumed 35 was a fair speed. I drive about a quarter mile at 35mph and see a mid 80s chevy pick-up with a star on the door and a light bar on top, who looks to me like he is waving. Friendly as I am, I wave back, notice the 55 mph sign and begin to accelerate. As I do the lights come on the pickup is in hot persuit. Turns out it was a 25 mph zone, he was not waving he was telling me to slow down. So the small town sherrif, all of 5 foot with his boots on proceeds to rip into me like no tomorrow questioning the no light gaurds, no mud flaps, why my gas cans are green instead of red, etc etc etc. I tell him they are not required where I live. He then stated he was going to ticket me 30mph above the speed limit and for all of the vehicle code violations and they would be able to sort it out in court or I could just pay the fines. I pointed out that there were no speed limit signs, to which he told me there was a big orange sign on the other side of town that clearly stated 25 mph. Fed up with his BS I went on the defensive stating " You just saw me pull off that dirt road, there are no speed limit signs other than that one that says 55mph". He stated that it was not his problem and I was looking at some hefty fines then demanded my license. As I posess a very limited tolerance for stupidity I told the officer to get the hell away from door, and to go call a supervisor that posses at least an ounce of intelligence if there was one to be found. While handing him my license he noticed my badge, as I keep my license behind it. Suddenly his attitude changed, he asked me who I worked for, I replied "you know one of those federal places". I then got out started photographing the vehicles, the road where I came from, the lack of signs in that direction and the one which said 55mph right in front of me. He asked what I was doing, I said gathering evidence for court, he stated that there was no need for that. I replied no please give me a ticket, I will see you in court, he then replied that nobody from Michigan would come back to fight a ticket, and it wasn't worth either of our time. I again stated please give me the ticket and let me know what day you want me to show up to court, I will book my flight/hotel and rental car tonight.

His response as he handed my license back "Get the F*#$ out of my town"

These small town guys get on my nerves, they purposefully target out of town plates to ticket in order to generate revenue as they know that nobody will ever show up to court to fight it.
Getting pulled over heading west on Hwy 50 just east of Ice House road turn off.

I had just finished the Rubicon trail. It was afternoon, and I was headed back from the Tahoe side, when I noticed that I had a bent steering stabilizer. The turns were a bit difficult to make. Being not far from my Ma’s house in Pleasant Valley, I was going to make it there, order some parts and make some repairs. As it happens the CHP had other ideas. I pulled to the side of the road and I started to get my drivers license out. Oops!! It was under my driver’s seat. Not wanting to look like I was trying to grab something, I just put my hands on the steering wheel and waited. The CHP officer walked up and asked me if I had been drinking (because of the damaged steering stabilizer I suppose). I said no. We talked for a few minutes and he asked if I would step out of the jeep. I did, and we walked back to his patrol car. Again, he asked if I had been drinking, and again I said I had not. He ask if my passenger had been drinking. I told him neither one of us drink and drive (or wheel). Then he asked if I would take a breathalyzer test. I told him OK. He reached into his patrol car, took out something with a plastic tube on it, and asked me to blow on it. :idontknow: Never, ever having had such a test in my life, I kind of blew at it from about 6 inches away. He said that wasn’t the way to do that! I had to put my lips on it! Well, my reaction was “Do what?!?” After he explained why, I finished up with the test. He finally said “You haven’t been drinking!” He then asked where I was going. I told him “Just down the road to Pleasant Valley”. After all was said and done, the officer was kind enough to let me go with just a verbal warning.
(There IS more to the story but, since its California, I’ll hold off on the last part.)
:shock: Wow, now those are some REAL stories - just nuts!! :crazyeyes:

Thanks for posting them up :thumb:
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