Holy Mobile Office Batman!!


Staff member
Well it's a good thing this guy mounted his cellphone to the windshield for hands-free use. Certainly, you wouldn't want to be distracted while driving. :crazyeyes:


Apparently, this guy got pulled over in Germany for speeding but, that's about all they could nail him for.

Police in the Saarland region of Germany pulled over a Ford Mondeo wagon last week for going about 80 mph in a 62-mph zone. Inside they found a Staples shopping spree in the front seat: a laptop with docking station, a router and wi-fi antenna tied to a cellular data stick, a printer and a power inverter to keep it all humming.

Full article here:
I really fucking hate people using cell phones, reading books, eating with chop sticks, all while driving down the 91.

If these assholes would pay attention to driving my commute time would be cut in half. But no, they have to drive slow in the fastlane and cause accidents.
I really fucking hate people using cell phones, reading books, eating with chop sticks, all while driving down the 91.

If these assholes would pay attention to driving my commute time would be cut in half. But no, they have to drive slow in the fastlane and cause accidents.


Now when I see people talking on the phone while driving next to me, I lay on the horn and continue to drive next to them. They usually get the hint. Helps if I'm in the Navigator because it actually has a good and loud horn. :cheesy:
I guess im the only one confused as to why there would ever be a 62mph zone in the first place:thinking:

Because its Germany and they use KPH not MPH. 62 MPH is roughly 100 KPH. The news source just did the conversion for us dumb Americans because the story wouldn't have made any sense if they left it as written. :naw: :cheesy:
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