Hello from Abilene TX


New member
Hey there! Been riding in Jeeps as long as I can remember. Currently own a 2000 Sahara 4.0L with a few goodies. Ran into some other wayalife members recently down at twin buttes reservoir outside of San Angelo.
Welcome, I'm guessing you came down with the cult of Jeep folks last month? LittleD-TJ is a (fellow) West Texas Crawlers member who has yet to find me on here I guess cause this is the first time I've seen him haha

Again, welocme...and if you're ever in town, hit me up. If I'm in town I'm almost always down to hit those trails.

OH! And WTC are going to Hidden Falls the 26th of this month. Not a whole lot of them but a few nonetheless to include myself. It'll be a blast for sure!
Welcome, I'm guessing you came down with the cult of Jeep folks last month? LittleD-TJ is a (fellow) West Texas Crawlers member who has yet to find me on here I guess cause this is the first time I've seen him haha

Again, welocme...and if you're ever in town, hit me up. If I'm in town I'm almost always down to hit those trails.

OH! And WTC are going to Hidden Falls the 26th of this month. Not a whole lot of them but a few nonetheless to include myself. It'll be a blast for sure!

Hey what's going on Kenny?? Yeah we were there. My wife (red head that was scared lol) and I were in the white TJ with a tan top. We did come down with some of the other cult members. Thanks again for being the tour guide for the day!!

I would love to go to hidden falls but my daughter has a big cheer competition that weekend and she would be mad at me for life if i missed it haha. I'll have to try and make it down there one of these days though, I've heard it's awesome!!
Oh yeah I remember you! Lol and yeah it's pretty great! Have fun at the cheerleading competition :)
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