Hearing Aids

Lol why can't I find that ear??? Or two of them??? I can spare $70 :cheesy:

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You know it really could always be worse. After years of military service, guns, explosives, working with chainsaws for a living, and lots of loud race cars as daily drivers, I'm fortunate to only have moderate tinnitus in both ears. Oddly enough, like many males I do suffer hearing loss at the specific frequency levels/tone of most women's voices.....this I view as a gift of the lord above :brows:
You know it really could always be worse. After years of military service, guns, explosives, working with chainsaws for a living, and lots of loud race cars as daily drivers, I'm fortunate to only have moderate tinnitus in both ears. Oddly enough, like many males I do suffer hearing loss at the specific frequency levels/tone of most women's voices.....this I view as a gift of the lord above :brows:

Lol yeah, its funny when running a chainsaw my employer argued with me that I would hurt my ears without ear plugs, so I asked well what amount of sound do they block out? Turns out its only 40 decibels my loss goes from 80-120 decibels. I still had to wear them...:doh:

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Lol yeah, its funny when running a chainsaw my employer argued with me that I would hurt my ears without ear plugs, so I asked well what amount of sound do they block out? Turns out its only 40 decibels my loss goes from 80-120 decibels. I still had to wear them...:doh:

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That is so funny... i had something similar to this in an ER with a P.A.

He wanted to numb my finger for stitches... I said no thanks, he said you sure its going to hurt.... I asked; hurt as much as grinding a hole in your skin with a grinder????

He looked puzzled for a min, then I assured him I was fine without it....
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