Hawaiian Wave


New member
Aloha everyone!

I just wanted to take a second to introduce myself. My mother named me Shane, which is ironic because that's what my friends call me. I just recently moved to Hawaii for the military. I have been in now for over 21 years which has provided me the opportunity to live in and travel to some pretty cool and some pretty shitty places. I think there is an unwritten 1:3 rule with the military, for ever 1 nice place you go then you have to serve in 3 consecutive shitty places.

Anyways, the wife and I battle over who's driving our 10A rubicon. You will always catch us playing rock, paper, scissors in the parking lot. Funny enough if my wife wins the first hand then we only play one round, but if she looses, it instantly becomes 2 out of 3. I haven decided if I'm going to do a build thread on it. Especially since shipping everything to Hawaii cost significantly more. She might be on a three year hiatus... MTF

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