Grapes & Grub

Ditto! Really looking forward to seeing everyone and please let us know if we can do anything to help! :beer:
Alright!! Heard from Russian River! We will have the Sunset Patio and can park on the crush pad again for pictures like last time. Typically for a private group tasting its $20 a person. Sarah is amazing and will be cutting us a deal, so $10 like everywhere else and for every bottle bought will waive a fee. Ohh! and we got the official okay to have our picnic, just need to keep our food in our area and away from the restaurant. waiting to hear back from one more!! woohoo :rock:

Nice! FYI, we are going to be hitting that little market before we start Sat., so if you have any requests for picnic items let me know.
I don't know...sometimes it's fun to drink a $40+ bottle directly from the bottle just because you can. :yup:

I'm not saying I haven't drank from the bottle, I just don't post about. I save my drinking from the bottle status for Dom or Crystal. 👍 lol.
So we are all set for all four places. The first place Balletto, is happy to have us and we will be in their courtyard with our group. Their concern is the high potential of traffic through their winery because of a festival in a near by town. Either we can agree on being their a little earlier or just really need to make sure we are there and tasting no later then 11. If anyone arrives a little late then just jumping into where ever we are in line.
Other than that. looks like we are all set and everything is set in stone! Here we go!
Love Russian River and Dry Creek for that matter. I was just up there last August. Might be a bit too far of a drive this time (SoCal). Seems like a blast, you guys have fun

There's a GNG in May in Cambria. I'm not savy enough to post a link to the thread but you should consider joining us then.
Hey guys. My weekend plans fell through and if I can make it work would you guys have room for one more? I might not be able to make the whole day...thinking 11 until after RR but at least I could get to meet you guys.
I think I read somewhere that you had a cut off of the 3rd? If that's the case then I will try to make the next one but it sure sounds like fun to be a part of it.
Hey guys. My weekend plans fell through and if I can make it work would you guys have room for one more? I might not be able to make the whole day...thinking 11 until after RR but at least I could get to meet you guys.
I think I read somewhere that you had a cut off of the 3rd? If that's the case then I will try to make the next one but it sure sounds like fun to be a part of it.

more the merrier. just wanted a more definite answer from everyone. come on out!
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