Giving you guys a chance & here's my wave - "fuck you"

I don't wear a cape, but I do rock these.....


....I do work in San Francisco after all
Just like every other Med Sep, drug pop washout and forming ad sep who claims they were a Marine... This guy ranks right up there with the clowns who went down to the yellow footprints, admitted to doing blow at a frat party 2 nights prior to the bus ride down and got sent back home.

Marine my ass! I've got worn out boot laces with more time in the Marine Corps than you do, Postal - and they earned more RESPECT than you ever have, bitch.
I am not a Marine, but I have enough stones to stand on my own two feet, based on my own honor and integrity, and NOT claim to be something I am not.

If I were a Marine, I would especially despise tools like this who try to use the title of those who came before them as a badge of their own individual non-existent honor.

Shame on you OP. Your actions defame the title of those before you who have earned it, and defame the honor of we civilians who respect that service.

Revel in your own merits. If you have none, "go lay down".
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It really baffles me to see this thread being brought back to life, just another asshole saying look at me. Or in this case the same asshole.
I am not sure who you are or what your background is. I am sure you have your reasons for your actions and attitude. I can assure you if one of my soldiers "flipped me off" there would be some immediate attitude corrective action taken. I also was not raised to "flip anybody off". That degree of disrespect to others in general suggests that you have no respect for yourself or are to ignorant to know better. Either way, if I felt like wasting my time I might suggest to you that might be more careful who you flip off less you challenge the "wrong" person. Not me, I am not confrontational and no tough guy myself.

You know what, based on the way this guy has been acting, I have a sneaking suspicion that if he hadn't washed out for a medical, he would have been kicked out of boot for his attitude. For all I know (and I hate to make this suggestion, but I've seen a few recruits try to do this in the Canadian Armed Forces), he may have so little integrity that he used the medical system to get out before administrative or disciplinary system could kick him out, so he could have a better release category and not have anyone say he was given a "dishonourable discharge."

Either way, takers and fakers like AKPostal tend to make themselves really easy to spot, because they try to brag about their non-accomplishments. Most of us who have really done something worth mentioning usually don't bring it up unless we have reason to. Lots of people are getting fed up with people like him now, so I'm sure it's just a matter of time before he lips off to the wrong person...
With Respect but fuck you, I have my EGA and my shooting badge from USMCSD. Take what ever offense you want, I have personally met Marines who ranked higher then you who feel I met what ever requirements needed to get at least partial benefits.

I'm not impressed.

DD214 or it didn't happen.
I'm not impressed.

DD214 or it didn't happen.

Agreed. Washout does not equal qualified. Did not finish training (for whatever reason) does not equal trained. Period. End of discussion.
By the way, training IS not serving. It is the preparation for service. There are more than a few who claim to have been there and done that and the only place they ever went was basic training or infantry school. Emphasis on BASIC and SCHOOL. 'nuff said.
I have a shooting badge, I'm a badd ass! If he indeed got dropped from bootcamp and is claiming to be a disabled Marine, then this guy is a turd among turds. Doesn't even rate to clean the shitter. He wouldn't last 2 seconds if he posted this crap on Terminal Lance. and yeah, DD214 pics.
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Hey dumbass just because I pass by a hospital doesn't make me a Doctor. You're not a marine and you never served. Live with it
I am not a Marine, but I have enough stones to stand on my own two feet, based on my own honor and integrity, and NOT claim to be something I am not.

If I were a Marine, I would especially despise tools like this who try to use the title of those who came before them as a badge of their own individual non-existent honor.

Shame on you OP. Your actions defame the title of those before you who have earned it, and defame the honor of we civilians who respect that service.

Revel in your own merits. If you have none, "go lay down".

Guys like you make guys like AKPostal disappear less noticed. It's character and integrity that he's lacking. Just as I would never claim to be a lawyer regardless of any experience with law, legal matters or court room time, I have never passed the bar, nor attempted. You'll see 100% of the guys who lived the life and have walked the walk wont talk about their darkest days - and the posers will grab a megaphone and sing to all who will listen.
Guys like you make guys like AKPostal disappear less noticed. It's character and integrity that he's lacking. Just as I would never claim to be a lawyer regardless of any experience with law, legal matters or court room time, I have never passed the bar, nor attempted. You'll see 100% of the guys who lived the life and have walked the walk wont talk about their darkest days - and the posers will grab a megaphone and sing to all who will listen.

Hi there. I joined, went to MCRDSD, I broke, and never marched across the parade deck. So choke on it.
First off fuck you, and its Alaskan you cock gobbling douche bag.

I shipped to USMCSD 080795 from MEPS in Anchorage.

I fucked up both ankles in first phase and ran for another month before calling uncle. Spent another 2 months in medical before saying fuck it and getting sent home after being told I would never going back to boot. 1 more month and I would have had a retired USMC card, my dumb ass at the time went home.

So for almost 20 years now I have had fucked up ankles and hips. My mountain and rock climbing days done. My monoskiing limited. I cant run if I want to walk the next day.

Im no fan of the Palin's, but yall are real douches for thinking Palin said she can see Russia from her house.

With Respect but fuck you, I have my EGA and my shooting badge from USMCSD. Take what ever offense you want, I have personally met Marines who ranked higher then you who feel I met what ever requirements needed to get at least partial benefits.

You can fuck your self there as well.


Considering im *actually* a Marine who didn't bitch out in MRP....

YOU had a few options:
bitch out and wait til they sepped you out.
Heal and continue on
Keep injuring yourself like an idiot and collect disability like a bitch.

Looks like we all know which optiom you didnt take. Welcome back MONTHS later btw, dirtbag
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