GenRight tire carrier and EVO corners


Hey y'all. I'm sure this has been asked and answered before and in my head it will work. Might have to use some longer hardware for the carrier... but I figure I could make it work.

I will, however, ask if anyone here has experience using the two in conjunction. I am not going to go over 37s and the EVO carrier looks silly with less than 40s IMO.

Thanks in advance!

I don't have experience with them together. However, I disagree because I love my 37 on evo tire carrier, I think it looks great!
Hinrich tried that combo out and don't think it ended up working. He's now running the EVO carrier with the EVO corners.

As for 37s. I would say more folks run 37s on the carrier than 40s. I think my 37 look great in it. But I'm partial because it's what I chose to run. 😉

Well... I did some more research. Totally possible and done before. Just need to weld the driver side tabs to the corner armor. I feel like a dipshit for even asking this question now. Please disregard.
Well... I did some more research. Totally possible and done before. Just need to weld the driver side tabs to the corner armor. I feel like a dipshit for even asking this question now. Please disregard.

Why do you feel like a dipshit? its a valid question, i have seen it done by welding and trimming(never in person tho).
Because in my head I should have just said... "Just cut off the tabs and weld them to the armor, ya big dummy!" Haha!
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