FYI, for Dog owners


New member
My Shepherd rides in the back of my Jeep everyday, and for the last two years of owning said Jeep, I always face a seemingly endless battle when it comes time to detail the interior. I would like to anounce that I have just recently found a new weapon to use in this battle. Not sure of the official name of these gloves, but I have seen them for years @ hardware stores. They work great at pilling up the hair for easy disposable via shop-vac. They significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to clean upo the hair and greatly improves the end result. Try it out!

Any other tips and tricks, gained over the years, that other pet owners may share? Doesn't specifically have to relate to detailing, just pet and jeep relations :shock:
:clap2: Thanks for the great tip!! I think I'm gonna have to pick me up a pair today :thumb:
Haha I just use a Lint Roller ... took a while but it worked, and after a year or so now without the dog in the back there is no hair to be found!
I'll give this a shot...It's nearly impossible to get the dog hair out of the carpet the Jeep uses!
Great idea, I will try it this weekend, three golden retrievers leave alot of hair behind...:doh:
Great idea!:wings::clap2: I spent 2 hours last week trying to get the hair out, I think I pulled more out of my head in Frustration.:gaah:
That's awesome! I have a pair of those for fishing. We just spent the weekend at the lake house and the light colored fur on the back seat is always a pain!

I usually use water and just rub my hand until it the hair balls up... I'm willing to give this a try... These damn huskys!!!tel
I went from this, lots of hair in carpet too....


This, Line X the interior. Now it just blows out!!! Problem Solved......

how's the sound in your jeep after line xing it. been thinking about it for a while not just for dog hair but for the red clay here in Colorado Springs it stains every thing.
I sprayed on liner my tub and the noise difference is hardly noticed. If you are running a soft top there is no difference. I would highly recommend it if you play in mud (like us Midwest guys). Taking a power washer to the tub and a little sun beats fighting that carpet!
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