Funny or Strange Jeep Compliments

It's like I always say. Chicks dig guys with jeeps. :rock:

See I don't get that. Maybe it's because I'm old and "married" just oozes from my pores, but girls don't flock to my Jeep. I don't CARE, mind you, but I've always heard that, but never witnessed it. :)

In the parking lot of Costco the other day I had a man about 80 years old tell me that my Jeep was "delightfully mean looking"! Haha! I didn't know exactly how to take it but I have decided that I like it!

I had a couple of similar compliments. In no particular order:

I was taking the top off one evening and some folks came walking their dogs down by the house. Lady stops first and says it's a nice Jeep. I thank her, dude starts asking me what mods I had and tire size, towing capacity (I don't freaking know. I don't TOW stuff unless it's another Jeep who broke or can't make it over an obstacle), etc. But his wife kept saying "Doug (whatever his name was), just look at how big those tires are." I thought she was going to have a baby right there in front of my garage. I took that as a compliment.

I back the Jeep in and only enough to close the door, so I have room behind it. As such, it can fill up the single door when viewed from the outside. A couple of little girls were riding their bikes by the opened door once and the first one literally screamed and swerved further away from the garage. She said to her friend, "That was so scary! Go by and look inside! GO BACK BY!" Haha I took THAT as a compliment.

And finally, a coworker saw me sitting in it one day and said, "That makes sense." I said, "What makes sense?" She said, "That you would have a big tough Jeep." haha I took that as a compliment also.

Great thread. I read EVERY single post!
I had a chick in traffic that kept trying to get my attention. I saw it going down as she trying to catch up. When she finally did she was all smiles and yells out nice Jeep! She was probably 20 or so gives me the big thumbs up and a wink made a u turn and sped off I thought well at least she liked the Jeep. LOL
I dig driving my jeep especially to work and around town. I like seeing the chicks eyeing it. Chicks just dig the coolness of the jeep. When she goes topless they stare. Id take any one of them for ride anyday of the week. I don't turn down chicks who want rides in the jeep.

Unfortuneatly all I get to drive lately are the married brods carting them to or from soccer. :yawn37:
My wife seems to be the one who runs into the randoms when she's driving the Jeep, but for me personally.

Them: "Do you take it off road ??
Me: Nope.... just dirty parking lots

In Washington state getting gas:
Them: Older gentlemen when people buy the Rubicon and don't even know what the Rubicon is
Me: I know what the Rubicon is
Them: Well, if you ever actually take that thing off road, you need to do that trail
Me: Come here
Them: ???
Me: That's from the Rubicon
Them: .... have a nice day

Slid off a rock coming into Buck Island at dusk :doh:
In Washington state getting gas:
Them: Older gentlemen when people buy the Rubicon and don't even know what the Rubicon is
Me: I know what the Rubicon is
Them: Well, if you ever actually take that thing off road, you need to do that trail
Me: Come here
Them: ???
Me: That's from the Rubicon
Them: .... have a nice day


I've told people that I would love to cross the Rubicon, but that Italy was to far away and that I'd be afraid I wouldn't come back. ;)
I've told people that I would love to cross the Rubicon, but that Italy was to far away and that I'd be afraid I wouldn't come back. ;)


That's awesome, make sure you pack the snorkel and you should be fine.
had my first funny encounter this evening. went to visit my girl during her break and a cougar walked by and complimented my jeep. so, break was over for my girl and I got in the jeep to leave. Said cougar came back out of the store(staring at my jeep the whole time), went back to her car for a second and as I was backing out, she walked past again and I could hear her say "man, I really like that" I just had to chuckle.
Yesterday pulled up to a stop light next to a Forsyth Cty Sheriff. He rolls down his window and says "nice day for a drive with the doors off!"

I said yes sir and turned left on the green.

Best interaction I have had with the police since Snowmageddon!

'11 Mango Tango Unlimited.
American by Birth, Veteran so my family lives free.
When We were leaving the lake yesterday a guy yelled- it says rubicon on it but has it ever been on the rubicon? Immediately every one in my jeep (including my mom & my daughter) yelled back at him yes it has!
When We were leaving the lake yesterday a guy yelled- it says rubicon on it but has it ever been on the rubicon? Immediately every one in my jeep (including my mom & my daughter) yelled back at him yes it has!

Did they say it with that "IN YOUR FACE" tone? :cheesy:
Not strange or funny. Disappointing.
Went out for lunch today with a few of the guys... and this hot ass chick was checking out my jeep. I smiled at her (she smiled back and walked away). Damn! I wish that pretty woman would have walked right over to me and asked me for a ride. :naw:
Not strange or funny. Disappointing.
Went out for lunch today with a few of the guys... and this hot ass chick was checking out my jeep. I smiled at her (she smiled back and walked away). Damn! I wish that pretty woman would have walked right over to me and asked me for a ride. :naw:

Next time offer her a ride!!
Not strange or funny. Disappointing.
Went out for lunch today with a few of the guys... and this hot ass chick was checking out my jeep. I smiled at her (she smiled back and walked away). Damn! I wish that pretty woman would have walked right over to me and asked me for a ride. :naw:

Next time offer her a ride!!
Jeep compliment

Also at the gas station. a Jeep pulls up next to me at the pump, same color and year. older lady steps out of the passenger side... and says "Nice Jeep!".
I've had a few nice compliments on my JK but I was trail riding with a friend a few weeks ago and she says "I feel like I'm in a Jurassic park simulator" lol
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