Fire! Wiring harness wanted.


New member
I had a small engine fire the other day - don't worry, the Jeep will be fine. Although I now need some parts, mainly the wiring harness for the fuel injection and associated stuff. It looks repairable, and I will go that route if need be, but some of the sensors and end devices will need to be replaced.
I did a cursory Google search for the harness and found a few, but I'd rather buy from family here first. The rest of the stuff I can get from flaps* - unless someone here has it.
Anyway, not sure what the cause of the fire was, and I have not looked at it in depth yet, but I am suspecting a possible fuel leak. A gentleman who pulled up behind me when I stopped said I had 4 foot of flame coming out from underneath while driving. I stopped cuz I thought the cherry fell of my cigarette and down in between the seats, but as soon as I stopped the cab filled with smoke rapidly, which was my first indication that it was something a bit more than a cigarette cherry. Still a great day, praise God.
Anymore, if anyone has a harness or associated parts please let me know.
97 TJ. 2.5, 5 speed

* flaps = friendly local auto parts store

Good Day and God Bless.
Its good you saw the smoke. Usually an engine fire while driving fuels it badly and consumes the entire vehicle shortly.
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