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LOL! Haven't felt one of these since we lived in CA. Looks like a 5.8 and a 5.7 about 5 minutes apart down around the Hawthorne, NV area. Maybe up near Aurora.

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Yikes - no thank you! :eek: Never experienced an earthquake & hope I never do. Hope that's the end of it out there...
Living in SoCal, a bunch of small earthquakes are okay I think. It's when we don't have any for a decade or two is when it starts getting scary.
Living in SoCal, a bunch of small earthquakes are okay I think. It's when we don't have any for a decade or two is when it starts getting scary.

Yeah, well here in PA NO earthquakes are OK! The only "earthquakes" we hear about around here are 400lb strippers with that name!
Yeah, well here in PA NO earthquakes are OK! The only "earthquakes" we hear about around here are 400lb strippers with that name!

Like the strip club right by Rausch Creek with the sign on the door that reads "No Muddy Clothes Inside" :thinking::cheesy:
Between an earthquake and a 400lb stripper, I'll take the earthquake.

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Well, truthfully I guess both can be quite dangerous

Like the strip club right by Rausch Creek with the sign on the door that reads "No Muddy Clothes Inside" :thinking::cheesy:

And those are exactly the places one would expect to find an 'Earthquake'! :icon_crazy:

EDIT - Holy Hell - this went downhill fast! Sorry for the hijack Eddie! :blush:
We've had a 3.0 & a 3.2, in the last 2 years, here in Central Mississippi. Some of my coworkers said they felt them. I was out of the area, both times, and kind of bummed that I didn't get to experience it.

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Hoping everyone is ok an no major damage. Two back to back, that big seems kind of strange.

Oh yeah, all is good. What's crazy is that when I first heard where the epicenter was, I thought that maybe there was an explosion. You see, Hawthorne is the home of the worlds largest ammunition depot :shock: :crazyeyes: :D

Yikes - no thank you! :eek: Never experienced an earthquake & hope I never do. Hope that's the end of it out there...

LOL!! I dunno, I'd rather have to deal with an earthquake once in a blue moon than to have to deal with something like a tornado or hurricane "season" every year. :crazyeyes:

Living in SoCal, a bunch of small earthquakes are okay I think. It's when we don't have any for a decade or two is when it starts getting scary.

I suppose that's why my wife and I aren't phased by a temblor like this - we're just used to it :cool:

Didn't feel it.

Damn, you're a sound sleeper :crazyeyes:

Lots of activity in your area!!

No kidding! Don't get too many quakes this big out this way but it does happen from time to time.
Yeah felt the quakes and sat there wondering if a bigger one was coming. Than I had to jump on my phone and make sure I wasnt feeling the effects of a much bigger one from say CA. All is good

sent from my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
lol! I dunno, at least you can see the hurricane barreling towards you.

Glad to hear that it wasn't serious.
Yeah felt the quakes and sat there wondering if a bigger one was coming. Than I had to jump on my phone and make sure I wasnt feeling the effects of a much bigger one from say CA. All is good

No kidding! Don't get too many this big in our neck of the woods so it would be easy to assume that it was coming from the other side of the mountain :crazyeyes:

Earthquakes are probably the ONLY thing I don't miss from living in San Diego for 8 years. The rest of it I would take back in a heart beat lol.

I dunno, there's a ton of things that I don't miss about socal and wouldn't want back for anything.

lol! I dunno, at least you can see the hurricane barreling towards you.

Glad to hear that it wasn't serious.

LOL!! The ground shook a bit - no big deal :yup:
I dunno, there's a ton of things that I don't miss about socal and wouldn't want back for anything.

I hear you. I lived in LA for 3 years...they can keep everything, i hated it there. Mission Viejo for 2 years...they can keep just about everything, OC wasn't my cup of tea. But San Diego for 8 years...and I can't really think of anything I wouldn't want back, absolutely loved that city.
Glad to hear there was no major injuries or damage. I do NOT miss earthquakes even just a little.
Spent the first 30+ years of my life in the So Cal desert, moved to AZ about 12 years ago and haven't felt a quake since! I'll just stay right here thanks. At least when there's bad weather, you know it's coming. Earthquakes are sneaky bastards!

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Very rarely do we have an earthquake in Georgia. I kinda wanna experience one just to say I have. I've been in a hurricane, and I've been in two tornadoes, one blizzard, a wildfire, a flood, and crippling drought, so the earthquake is the only thing on my "natural disaster" list I haven't checked off. Well that and volcanic eruption, but I can do without that one :shock:
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