Dumb sticker


New member
I have been running no rear bumper for a while now and am tired of looking at that lame bar code sticker on the frame. How did everybody get that thing off? Looks like its one of those that doesn't come off clean!
I have been running no rear bumper for a while now and am tired of looking at that lame bar code sticker on the frame. How did everybody get that thing off? Looks like its one of those that doesn't come off clean!

Ask Paychex to pull it off for you. He yanked mine and now there's all kinda of glue residue on the frame....

Hahaha. Seriously though pull it off and a good sanding and or grinding and some fresh paint and it should be all good.
Ya I figured the paychex incident would come up :) think I remember reading about that. Well looks like I am going to have to do it the labor intensive way. Wait my Obama/ Biden sticker would cover it perfect.
-Heat Gun
-Blade (to get a nice edge up)
-Goo Gone or Brake Cleaner (to clean any residue leftover)
-And the #1 trick for removing any sticker-like product...Pull the sticker at a 90 degree angle. Comes off much cleaner 9 times out of 10. :beer:
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