Doomsday prepper show


New member
Anyone watch this show or do any prepping? I watch it once in a while just to see how extreme some people are. I watched this episode today where one guy has a great idea. He moved to Costa Rica and is trying to be self reliant which I think is a cool idea. The other guy wants to rob you and steal your stuff. He and his cousin make a home made bullet armor that looks ridiculous and he wants to perform surgery on his wife. His "armor" is a joke and doesn't even cover a third of his body. The armor part is about 23 min into the video below.

Here is the full episode. It's 45 min long.
Nothing wrong with being prepared to take care of yourself and others during a crisis situation. Most of being able to do that requires intelligence. Like any other reality show I've seen, it seems they are lacking that one quality, or at least portrayed that way.

Don't know how the rest will fair, but the guy who goes on the offensive is going to get his ass handed to him by someone who is ready and/or trained to take on someone like that such as former military or law enforcement. Most likely it will happen before any WROL situation ever takes place because he will tire of waiting for crisis to happen.
Yeah I agree. The Costa Rica guy has great ideas with the hydroponics and fish, chickens and water collection. Being able to run off the grid seems like a good way to be prepared for sure. I think like most reality shows they look for the shock factor and the other guy sure fits the bill. All it will take is him busting in and getting popped in the knee caps or throat.
I feel it is our duty as Husbands and Fathers to care for and be prepared for whatever may come. We should all work hard to make sure our family's are fed and clothed to the best of our ability, be it good times or bad.

However as much as I have tried to watch the garbage called Doomsday Preppers it makes me laugh. Sure some of the folks have really got it going on, but a bunch of them are just plain whacked out. :crazyeyes:
It seems like this is what the main stream media wants us to believe.

But make no mistake about it, you better be ready for whatever may come. Keep your powder dry and your head down.
A lot of us believe there is a major shit storm a comin.
But make no mistake about it, you better be ready for whatever may come. Keep your powder dry and your head down.
A lot of us believe there is a major shit storm a comin.[/QUOTE]

No doubt about it!
I think the chances of widespread civil unrest, martial law, and the need to act like it's Red Dawn on U.S. soil is about as likely as me having a weekend getaway with all of the Victory Secret models at the same time.
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I think the chances of widespread civil unrest, martial law, and the need to act like its Red Dawn on U.S. soil is about as likely as me having a weekend getaway with all of the Victory Secret models at the same time.

I wish you would have told me that BEFORE I put the non-refundable deposit down on the underground bunker. :grayno:
I think the chances of widespread civil unrest, martial law, and the need to act like its Red Dawn on U.S. soil is about as likely as me having a weekend getaway with all of the Victory Secret models at the same time.

I'd have to respectfully disagree with you sir. Like others said, I think there is nothing wrong with being prepped for anything and think that to a minimal extent it is our duty to be. Do people go overboard? That's a relative question, but I say its a great metaphor for our Jeeps - if you have the resources better to have something and not need it than need it and not have it. Does the show exhibit some of the typical BS of a reality TV show? Definitely, but it is interesting. If I had the resources and were in the position to I'd do some serious prepping. I think a lot more is going on behind closed doors and that we are real close to something serious. I don't think it'll take much to knock us into a complete economic collapse nor do I think we live in a time where we don't have to fear China or Russia landing troop transports on our shores. And this isn't factoring the stuff we have absolutely 0 control over like the earth's climate cycles, asteroids, and other interstellar happenings. I mean at any moment a black hole could move into our solar system and start consuming everything. Yes there is nothing we can do prep wise for that but my point is that I think "apocalyptic" events are more likely than people think.

The Force will be with you.... always
I'd have to respectfully disagree with you sir. Like others said, I think there is nothing wrong with being prepped for anything and think that to a minimal extent it is our duty to be. Do people go overboard? That's a relative question, but I say its a great metaphor for our Jeeps - if you have the resources better to have something and not need it than need it and not have it. Does the show exhibit some of the typical BS of a reality TV show? Definitely, but it is interesting. If I had the resources and were in the position to I'd do some serious prepping. I think a lot more is going on behind closed doors and that we are real close to something serious. I don't think it'll take much to knock us into a complete economic collapse nor do I think we live in a time where we don't have to fear China or Russia landing troop transports on our shores. And this isn't factoring the stuff we have absolutely 0 control over like the earth's climate cycles, asteroids, and other interstellar happenings. I mean at any moment a black hole could move into our solar system and start consuming everything. Yes there is nothing we can do prep wise for that but my point is that I think "apocalyptic" events are more likely than people think.

The Force will be with you.... always

Of we have an economic depression people aren't going to be rapping and pillaging in the streets any more then normal. Sure people will be pissed and shit will happen but I am willing to bet a lot that it would never be worse then the riots after Rodney King was beaten.
If we have an economic depression people aren't going to be rapping in the streets any more then normal.

Glad to hear that! I hate that shit!

By the way, that show is ridiculous. I saw the one where the guy takes shipping containers and turns them into underground shelters... SWEET... I wonder how all those people who had bomb shelters built during the cold war are utilizing them now? Money well spent in my opinion.
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Of we have an economic depression people aren't going to be rapping and pillaging in the streets any more then normal. Sure people will be pissed and shit will happen but I am willing to bet a lot that it would never be worse then the riots after Rodney King was beaten.

Not talking economic depression, talking collapse. Money being worthless etc. Also left out an EMP blast. Big enough EMP detonated is the right place over the country, we are done. Look what serious black outs do to areas now. Again, point being I think its just more likely than people think.

The Force will be with you.... always
I have to agree with the previous post, I think a high degree of unrest is highly unlikely.
Disasters? Never happen. Katrina, rare. Moore Ok, never again.
I train in Search and Rescue. The scenarios we train for and assess are downright scary.
Disaster leads to scary behavior.
So, not being prepared is absurdly stupid.
Being prepared for a week or so without power and running water is smart; stockpiling months and months of food, seeds, water,, in my personal opinion, paranoid.

Sorry, but global economic collapse is not a very likely scenario. As for the US, the likelihood that our entire system of finance, gov't, and rule of constitutional law would just disappear overnight is even less likely. EMP's? Really? Hmm, remember Y2K? People were spewing the same paranoia back then.

You want to be really prepared? Know how to control data, numbers, and the law.
Being prepared for a week or so without power and running water is smart; stockpiling months and months of food, seeds, water,, in my personal opinion, paranoid.

Sorry, but global economic collapse is not a very likely scenario. As for the US, the likelihood that our entire system of finance, gov't, and rule of constitutional law would just disappear overnight is even less likely. EMP's? Really? Hmm, remember Y2K? People were spewing the same paranoia back then.

You want to be really prepared? Know how to control data, numbers, and the law.

Well we all have our perspectives, one man's garbage is another's treasure, one man's paranoia is another's realistic thinking. But you aren't getting what I'm saying. Not about anything happening overnight. The pieces have been placed and the board is set for a lot of scenarios to occur and that placing did not happen overnight. I'm not "spewing" paranoia, just stating my opinion that there are scenarios that are more likely to happen than others like to think. Y2K - I was a bit young to really be aware of what was going on at the time - was obviously rubbish but to me it was rubbish at the foundation and I don't compare to things like cyber attacks and EMP strikes. As for control, I don't really believe to much in control. To me its more of an illusion or temporary state of affairs. At any moment anything can happen no matter how intelligent, clever, strong, prepared, etc you are. But I suppose that's a bit of a tangent from the topic. Cheers :beer:

The Force will be with you.... always
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