Don't bother banning me.....I'll see myself out, thanks - Sh0rtBus

These are the same jack asses that would then say they were banned. Yup we haven't played this game before.

But when it's told to them elsewhere that they are not actually banned here like they said, they'll say they are "self banned". Remember that loser?
This is what I think of when other forum's members come to start shit over here and go back to post back on their site,
Seriously? You really think Northridge owes their success to Eddie's forums? Because his are the only ones on the net? Couldn't be at all because they give decent deals on parts and has great customer service? And he's not on any other forum like JKOwners, JK-Forum (formerly ruled by King Eddie), or any other Jeep forum out there? It's all because he chose to pay for a vendor slot on an Eddie-created forum? Clearly you've drank more than your fair share of the Kool-Aid my friend.
Agree with this sentiment. It was a decently created video and although may have had some similarities to a WOL video, was still quite different. After many ways can one make a Jeep video?
Not agreeing or disagreeing here, but like you said....why crucify them for doing what everyone asked? Don't do what your supporters want...burned at the stake. Do what they want....burned at the stake. Have I missed something here?
Again....seriously? NR4x4 owes their success to Eddie? You guys need to start weaning yourself off the Kind Eddie teet a bit. Sorry but Northridge owes their success to fair pricing and customer service. Certainly not Eddie or his forums and sheeple.
I'm quite well aware that these comments will likely get me banned from the forum and if that's the case, so be it. And while I'm at it I have to say "Way to go, Eddie!" You and your minions have shown your true colors deleting posts in this thread that don't coincide with your own self-righteous beliefs. Rather than freedom of speech, it's freedom to do and say as Eddie believes. And if not, see rule one that says thou art free to do and say as Eddie believes. :naw:
I originally made an agreement when I joined here that I would not try to cause trouble, as I wanted to believe the feud between Eddie and those that created JKO was petty and ridiculous. And I'm certainly not trying to make trouble now, but for someone to believe that a successful company owes that success to them is pompous and self-centered....all of the things that started the feud to begin with. So.....I suppose this could possibly be my last post here at WOL. Sorry it's come to this, but I refuse to follow the masses and kiss the ground Eddie walks on. Don't bother banning me.....I'll see myself out, thanks.

Originally posted here:

Now I think I remember your dumb ass. I also remember why you got kicked off of the last forum. It's because your a dumb shit! :naw:
Just leave and prove you can be a man of your word!
Eddie should make a specific section on here highlighting all the people who pull shit like this. The "Wayalife Hall of Shame" or something like that. Lol.
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