Don't bother banning me.....I'll see myself out, thanks - Sh0rtBus


While I'm sure this will come as no huge surprise to some, I support Eddie's position 100%. There comes a point in time (at least for most people anyway) where "enough is enough" and you must stand up for what you know is right. From my perspective, and these are my words and not anyone else's, Northridge has been increasingly using this site in an attempt to position itself to make money doing far more than just reselling Jeep parts. Frankly, I find it disgusting. And for anyone who has been in this game for more than five years, you know that Northridge owes a lot of its success to the forums that Eddie has laboriously built. Seeing Northridge pimp videos which, regardless of the quality (or lack thereof), were blatant ripoffs of Eddie and Cindy's bread and butter business was, well, telling.

Some things in this life are far more important than money. Honor, integrity, and loyalty are at the top of the is remembering who you are, how you got to where you are, and who helped you get there. It's about God damn time people in this nation start remembering those concepts before we become even more of an entitled, "what's in it for me" other words, before this entire nation becomes Kalifornia. Rant over.

Here is a :beer: for you Eddie. I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision but the right ones never are.

Seriously? You really think Northridge owes their success to Eddie's forums? Because his are the only ones on the net? Couldn't be at all because they give decent deals on parts and has great customer service? And he's not on any other forum like JKOwners, JK-Forum (formerly ruled by King Eddie), or any other Jeep forum out there? It's all because he chose to pay for a vendor slot on an Eddie-created forum? Clearly you've drank more than your fair share of the Kool-Aid my friend.

So a paying advertiser and vendor cant post a video advertising the parts they sell and fun they are having on a run? I honestly thought the video had more of a "expedition Overland" feel to it vs. a Wayalife film.

Agree with this sentiment. It was a decently created video and although may have had some similarities to a WOL video, was still quite different. After many ways can one make a Jeep video?

Eddie and Cindy bowed out of making videos for JKX, NR4X4 picked it up for the past few events and every time they posted a video here, the thread was full of comments about "wish it was more like the WOL videos" "Eddies videos are so much better" etc. While I agree Eddies videos were, and still are MUCH better, at the same time, I'm not supprised northridge delivered videos that were more "like" a WOL video... it's what the MAJORITY of customers wanted...

Disclaimer: I'm not involved with either party, I only can go off intuition and what is written here to read. While I support Eddie and this forum fully and love being a part of WOL; I don't see any supprise at all with a company making a video tailored to try and meet customer expectations. Now pimping it in Eddies face was a little "rude" perhaps, but it's what everyone told them to do on the previous films in the first place. That's just my $.02.

Not agreeing or disagreeing here, but like you said....why crucify them for doing what everyone asked? Don't do what your supporters want...burned at the stake. Do what they want....burned at the stake. Have I missed something here?

I highly doubt it was unintentional. Dave has known Eddie for at least 5 years and Eddie is the one that got his name out to the masses. When you have been working with someone for so long and you have been on there forum for as long as Dave has he knows the rules.

If you ask me this was a long time coming and I'm happy Eddie pulled the lever to dump them.

Again....seriously? NR4x4 owes their success to Eddie? You guys need to start weaning yourself off the Kind Eddie teet a bit. Sorry but Northridge owes their success to fair pricing and customer service. Certainly not Eddie or his forums and sheeple.

I'm quite well aware that these comments will likely get me banned from the forum and if that's the case, so be it. And while I'm at it I have to say "Way to go, Eddie!" You and your minions have shown your true colors deleting posts in this thread that don't coincide with your own self-righteous beliefs. Rather than freedom of speech, it's freedom to do and say as Eddie believes. And if not, see rule one that says thou art free to do and say as Eddie believes. :naw:

I originally made an agreement when I joined here that I would not try to cause trouble, as I wanted to believe the feud between Eddie and those that created JKO was petty and ridiculous. And I'm certainly not trying to make trouble now, but for someone to believe that a successful company owes that success to them is pompous and self-centered....all of the things that started the feud to begin with. So.....I suppose this could possibly be my last post here at WOL. Sorry it's come to this, but I refuse to follow the masses and kiss the ground Eddie walks on. Don't bother banning me.....I'll see myself out, thanks.

Originally posted here:
Northridge4x4 - Removed as a Vendor

Seriously? You really think Northridge owes their success to Eddie's forums? Because his are the only ones on the net? Couldn't be at all because they give decent deals on parts and has great customer service? And he's not on any other forum like JKOwners, JK-Forum (formerly ruled by King Eddie), or any other Jeep forum out there? It's all because he chose to pay for a vendor slot on an Eddie-created forum? Clearly you've drank more than your fair share of the Kool-Aid my friend.

Agree with this sentiment. It was a decently created video and although may have had some similarities to a WOL video, was still quite different. After many ways can one make a Jeep video?

Not agreeing or disagreeing here, but like you said....why crucify them for doing what everyone asked? Don't do what your supporters want...burned at the stake. Do what they want....burned at the stake. Have I missed something here?

Again....seriously? NR4x4 owes their success to Eddie? You guys need to start weaning yourself off the Kind Eddie teet a bit. Sorry but Northridge owes their success to fair pricing and customer service. Certainly not Eddie or his forums and sheeple.

I'm quite well aware that these comments will likely get me banned from the forum and if that's the case, so be it. And while I'm at it I have to say "Way to go, Eddie!" You and your minions have shown your true colors deleting posts in this thread that don't coincide with your own self-righteous beliefs. Rather than freedom of speech, it's freedom to do and say as Eddie believes. And if not, see rule one that says thou art free to do and say as Eddie believes. :naw:

I originally made an agreement when I joined here that I would not try to cause trouble, as I wanted to believe the feud between Eddie and those that created JKO was petty and ridiculous. And I'm certainly not trying to make trouble now, but for someone to believe that a successful company owes that success to them is pompous and self-centered....all of the things that started the feud to begin with. So.....I suppose this could possibly be my last post here at WOL. Sorry it's come to this, but I refuse to follow the masses and kiss the ground Eddie walks on. Don't bother banning me.....I'll see myself out, thanks.

Seriously, Are you that fucking stupid?

You have no idea what in the hell you are talking about.

Please follow the other losers out the door and don't come back.

P.S we don't ban fucktards like you, we don't delete comments either. Nice try at spreading bullshit. They get moved to their own thread when it's needed.
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Seriously, Are you that fucking stupid?

You have no idea what in the hell you are talking about.

Please follow the other losers out the door and don't come back.

P.S we don't ban fucktards like you, we don't delete comments either. Nice try at spreading bullshit. They get moved to their own thread when it's needed.

His name kinda sums it up he really is fucking stupid and just popped in to shoot his big mouth of in the few minutes he had before another dick went in it
I see another one made it over to comment and complain about a forum he does not participate in. Seriously how miserable does your life have to be to have nothing better to do than go to forums that you do not like, for the sole purpose of causing drama. If you don't like it here, stop talking about it and just leave.
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Seriously, Are you that fucking stupid?

You have no idea what in the hell you are talking about.

Please follow the other losers out the door and don't come back.

P.S we don't ban fucktards like you, we don't delete comments either. Nice try at spreading bullshit. They get moved to their own thread when it's convenient.

FTFY calling....that's original.

If you don't delete posts, then explain to me how certain posts by KlausVanWinkle went missing? They were certainly quoted, but when you click on the link to the original post....nowhere to be found. I highly doubt he went back and deleted them himself.

I see another one made it over to comment and complain about a forum he does not participate in. Seriously how miserable does your life have to be to have nothing better to do than go to forums that you do not participate in, for the sole purpose of causing drama. If you don't like it here, stop talking about it and just leave.'re really making it your goal to point out that I don't participate in the forum much? You've been a registered user since January 2012...nearly 4 years....and you've made 755 posts? Surely you don't think that constitutes being an "active participant."
Last edited: calling....that's original.

If you don't delete posts, then explain to me how certain posts by KlausVanWinkle went missing? They were certainly quoted, but when you click on the link to the original post....nowhere to be found. I highly doubt he went back and deleted them himself.

Ohhhh so that's who's dicks been in your mouth calling....that's original.

If you don't delete posts, then explain to me how certain posts by KlausVanWinkle went missing? They were certainly quoted, but when you click on the link to the original post....nowhere to be found. I highly doubt he went back and deleted them himself.

I thought you went out the door?

Nope, just like the rest you'll stick around. How original .., calling....that's original.

If you don't delete posts, then explain to me how certain posts by KlausVanWinkle went missing? They were certainly quoted, but when you click on the link to the original post....nowhere to be found. I highly doubt he went back and deleted them himself.

You are silly.

And for the record, he did try to "delete himself" but I undeleted him.

Because we like to keep a record of all the dumbasses who feel the need to stand on a soap box and preach. ;)
Seriously? You really think Northridge owes their success to Eddie's forums? Because his are the only ones on the net? Couldn't be at all because they give decent deals on parts and has great customer service? And he's not on any other forum like JKOwners, JK-Forum (formerly ruled by King Eddie), or any other Jeep forum out there? It's all because he chose to pay for a vendor slot on an Eddie-created forum? Clearly you've drank more than your fair share of the Kool-Aid my friend.

Agree with this sentiment. It was a decently created video and although may have had some similarities to a WOL video, was still quite different. After many ways can one make a Jeep video?

Not agreeing or disagreeing here, but like you said....why crucify them for doing what everyone asked? Don't do what your supporters want...burned at the stake. Do what they want....burned at the stake. Have I missed something here?

Again....seriously? NR4x4 owes their success to Eddie? You guys need to start weaning yourself off the Kind Eddie teet a bit. Sorry but Northridge owes their success to fair pricing and customer service. Certainly not Eddie or his forums and sheeple.

I'm quite well aware that these comments will likely get me banned from the forum and if that's the case, so be it. And while I'm at it I have to say "Way to go, Eddie!" You and your minions have shown your true colors deleting posts in this thread that don't coincide with your own self-righteous beliefs. Rather than freedom of speech, it's freedom to do and say as Eddie believes. And if not, see rule one that says thou art free to do and say as Eddie believes. :naw:

I originally made an agreement when I joined here that I would not try to cause trouble, as I wanted to believe the feud between Eddie and those that created JKO was petty and ridiculous. And I'm certainly not trying to make trouble now, but for someone to believe that a successful company owes that success to them is pompous and self-centered....all of the things that started the feud to begin with. So.....I suppose this could possibly be my last post here at WOL. Sorry it's come to this, but I refuse to follow the masses and kiss the ground Eddie walks on. Don't bother banning me.....I'll see myself out, thanks.

Must be lonely and boring over in those parts. Welcome back.

FTFY calling....that's original.

If you don't delete posts, then explain to me how certain posts by KlausVanWinkle went missing? They were certainly quoted, but when you click on the link to the original post....nowhere to be found. I highly doubt he went back and deleted them himself.'re really making it your goal to point out that I don't participate in the forum much? You've been a registered user since January 2012...nearly 4 years....and you've made 755 posts? Surely you don't think that constitutes being an "active participant."

As mentioned, it wasn't deleted. Glad you came over to check on him though.

EDIT: Oh and thanks for keeping track of posts/dates/etc and defining who is and isn't an active participant. That wasn't mentioned in the rules, thanks for clearing that up.
Last edited:'re really making it your goal to point out that I don't participate in the forum much? You've been a registered user since January 2012...nearly 4 years....and you've made 755 posts? Surely you don't think that constitutes being an "active participant."
Well since you brought it up. I've worked in Afghanistan and Iraq since Nov 2012. An Internet connection fast enough for frequent forum usage, and the time in general is a rare thing. Hell I've only been at a camp with reliable internet since Sept. I also happen to have a life beyond forums and basing my life success on post count. You are also forgetting that I'm not the one here on a forum that I hate. Grow the fuck up and go back to your 8 year old shit talking circle jerk thread over on your other forum. I mean seriously move on.
Last edited: fitting. I won't even give this douche canoe the glory of quoting his dribble. He hasn't the slightest clue what he is talking about, what forums NR4x4 was actually on and when, and what was actually done to help NR4x4 get to where it is.

I know the real truth, and so do a handful of other people who have been around since the beginning of JK-Forum (or were at least in the know during JK-Forum's heyday.) Honestly, deep down inside David (who used to be the owner of NR4x4) knows the real truth too but he lacks the intestinal fortitude to admit it.
:cheesy: I've been busy working on a project but had to see what was going on after getting the following message...

Sh0rtBus said:
Well...think it's time for me to head out. Thanks for allowing me a spot here on WOL. But at this point I'm leaving on my own accord. So if you would, please delete my account and any and all information associated with it.


:cheesy: WTF, really?? So that it isn't missed, YOU chose to sign up on to MY forum. YOU are the one who felt the need to tell me about how you were once banned from my old forum and how you weren't one of the "trouble makers coming here to give you grief over JK-F or any of the other bullshit. Just here to share my experiences and my love of off-roading with like-minded people. Jeep people are family!" And now, YOU are now the one who is self-righteously giving everyone here shit for supporting me on MY forum. Well, either someone is giving out blow jobs to guys like you who willing to come on to a forum they don't like and no longer wish to be a part of and with the sole intent of defending them or - you're just a loser.

Be a man for once in your life and just leave.
Just delete my account, I swear I've heard that somewhere before. Do people not learn? If you act like a fucktard, the evidence remains so that people know you act like a fucktard. It's really pretty easy. If you don't like it, STFU and just leave.
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