Dogs in Moab


New member
From what I read, Moab is a very non-dog-friendly place in terms of its formal policies. They are prohibited from National Park trails and may only be walked on a leash along a road or in a parking lot. In some cases (eg White Rim Trail) you aren't allowed to even have them in the car with you.

We'd love to visit Moab and do the Jeep trails as well as some hiking/camping but what about Fido?
That blows! My dog goes where I go. Guess I won't be going there. People do worse than animals I do not get it.
I guess it's okay for a wild animal to crap in a park, but not a dog.

You're the type that would let your dog shit on my lawn and say "well other animals do it".

Register your dog as a service dog. It's not hard to do and will fix your issues.
Well this was informative [emoji6]

So... Has anyone actually been to Moab with a dog and can comment on their experience?

The times we went, we took our dogs. They loved the trails but if we knew it would be super hot, we would leave em in the hotel or camper so they didnt get heat exhaustion.

Now, we dont or disnt walk them downtown or out and about. But that is how we take care of our dogs. They love people and I dont need them knocking over a small child because they get excited.
Registering a non service dog as a service dog.

I guarantee there are people out there that do that.

I do know that most of the jeep jamboree trail rides state no dogs. Which does blow. We need to have a wayalife jamboree with dogs and I know everybody would agree to that.
I can guarantee that also. There are tons of people that do it and many fraudulent organizations that will give you some type of certification for a fee. It just doesn't seem right to me. I doubt the same people would act mentally disabled in public to get those same benefits.
I second that it would be nice to have more dog friendly runs. Mine runs straight to the jeep the second he hears "jeep ride".
Then you should have told us you and the people you are giving advice to are disabled. That is in the definition of a service animal. Check Now that we know you are truly disabled it all makes sense.:D:D

Yup I have bad eye sight. That is a visual impairment meaning I can have a service dog.
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