Crossing North America in a JK: My move to Alaska

Good luck, drive safe, enjoy all the beautiful sights and watch out for moose!

If you don't push the limits how do you find them??

...Just don't push the limits of the Moose. You won't like the results. This sounds like a major life altering decision. I wish you and your family the best of luck. Be safe on the road and post a bunch of photos, we'll all be wanting to see your adventure.
Well not many miles logged on day 1. Made a stop in Dallas to visit my wife's sister. Got a bite to eat and did a little shopping to kill some time before we got back on the road.

We ran across this cow right in the middle of the mall!

We found a couple interesting spices that I hadn't ran across before. And maybe if we had any room in the jeep, we would have bought some lol


After trying to convince her sister to move with us, we came up with a compromise, and then we were off stop number 2.

Medicine Park Oklahoma, home to the first mountains on the trip, The Wichita Mountains. If you look closely at the horizon you can just make them out.

Here's a couple closer shots. Due to time we couldn't get the most impressive shots from across the lake.


These are from the top of Mt. Scott, the tallest in the park. You can see over the miles and miles of wild life reserve. I see alot of missed opportunities for some really great wheeling spots.


My wife snapped this shot of me without me knowing. I think I resemble the little mermaid.. Maybe just a little?


We did a little more exploring hoping to catch some close up shots of the local residents, and boy did we.

If you look closely you can see a very young calf grazing with the others

This big boy was scratching his belly on a rock..... I think.... When he saw us he looked embarrassed :shrug:

I got a few good shots of some long horn as well.


Here's mama taking care of twins?? sounds painful!


And last but certainly not least (ok maybe least) one of the smallest residents the park has to offer!

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We came across a group of old buildings called the holy city, who's center piece is a beautiful church. Turns out, if we had been 1 day earlier we could have joined thousands of people to witness an annual Easter Sunday performance. But that's ok because I'm not a fan of the crowds :p I apologize for the bad shots. We entered after it was closed and had to be quick lol


Could this be the actual tomb from which Jesus returned??? :p



We got back to the house, grilled, had a few beers, and passed out watching a movie. Now it's time to get back on the road. Next stop? The plains of Kansas.

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Live the Dream and good luck to you and the wife. Spent some time in Northern Ak and loved it. Maybe someday I'll be able to go back...
Best of luck to you, your wife, and the Jeep on your trip .. sounds like an awesome adventure! Keep the pics coming .. Subscribed!


Ya, you think they would have made that giant sail/bug catcher/stone catcher out of something other than glass. :crazyeyes:
My wife took a rock to her TJ windshield less than a week after replacing it for the 3rd or 4th time. Now it's just in the budget like buying gas.

BTW: Good luck on the trip! Looks like a fun trip to make! And hey, if a windshield crack is the worst that happens, you are doing pretty good. :thumb:
My wife took a picture of me driving off after I kicked her out on one of the famous Kansas brick roads :p
Haven't seen any updates for a while. How's the trip going?

Hey thanks for asking.

I began a long update yesterday, as I just ended my stay with family, but halfway through, I crashed and lost it : (

I'm sad to say that right now I'm stuck in Casper Wyoming because the interstate 25 is closed due to snow.. Doing all I can to figure out if we're stuck for hours or days..

But to hold you over I'll post just a couple pics and begin a larger one when I can .


First real mountains, you can see on the horizon

Here is Castle Rock Colorado. As you guys know. These pictures do the scenery no justice..

Pulling into Wyoming!

This is how it looked when we decided to shut down.

And this is what we have now :(. The only reason you can see the parking lot is because it was just plowed..
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