Come pull my pony tail while my minions suck my Chinese pecker if they can find it

I'm fairly new to this forum, why do we give these people cred by responding to them?

Because you're new to the forum, you don't know how long I've literally had to deal with this freak of a stalker and troll. I've tried everything from banning him, deleting his posts, ignoring him and yet, he still come on again and again and again with new user names and with the same old BS. I respond to him and keep all of his stupidness up now so that everyone including you can see just how much of a freak he really is. That way, when he goes around making slanderous claims against me, YOU know what the truth really is.
So this is why it's hard for new comers to be taken seriously... others/outsiders keep trolling, and that makes forum members suspicious of newer members... I get it now. All these haters jacking around in threads just to make problems... grow the hell up! If you dont like eddie, or his videos, or support what "goes on here" then don't come here? Why are you dumb enough to keep his adds seeing traffic if the reason why your really coming here is to hate? You put money into Eddies pocket every time the supporting vendors add is loaded to a new IP... I'm not the brightest crayon on the box, but I understand how "a internet" works? If you don't like eddie, or the people here, why come and up the IP count?? Unless you really are a tool... :dontknow:
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Because you're new to the forum, you don't know how long I've literally had to deal with this freak of a stalker and troll. I've tried everything from banning him, deleting his posts, ignoring him and yet, he still come on again and again and again with new user names and with the same old BS. I respond to him and keep all of his stupidness up now so that everyone including you can see just how much of a freak he really is. That way, when he goes around making slanderous claims against me, YOU know what the truth really is.

I think you need to get him a dunce cap or something. Lol
So matti are we minions like the little yellow ones? Because if so everyone loves us lol. It's funny that a troll is on here calling us all minions. O I'm also pretty sure Eddie is American.
Thanks guys, I really do appreciate that. I AM an AMERICAN and if there has to be a hyphen, it's 100%-AMERICAN :)

I'm 100% American too my friend. Our ancestors were neighbors I'd guess, due to the shape of our eyes lol.

Irritates the hell out of me when I get asked "where you from?" and New York isn't an acceptable answer. Like I need to trace my ancestry back to China or Italy, or Greece to make people happy. Born and bred in the good ol U. S. OF A. Damn proud of it too. No hyphens needed.
Thanks guys, I really do appreciate that. I AM an AMERICAN and if there has to be a hyphen, it's 100%-AMERICAN :)

Ditto! Besides what my fun friends will have you believe, I am American through and through.
For the haters:
Eddie bleeds red, white and blue!
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