Christmas Drive By?


New member
I haven't been on much over the past 6 to 8 months due to life being crazy (blessedly so)....but I wanted the wayalife family to know that my family is thinking of them on this day! Merry Christmas everyone!

Glad to hear from ya and glad to know life is going well for y'all

Good thing the kid looks like your wife.

You aint kiddin, poor kid dont stand a chance with my DNA in there!

Merry Christmas Strizz. Weird warm in Ohio this year.

Wont hear a complaint from me, but I have a feeling we are going to pay for all of that!

Merry Christmas man! Glad to hear things are going well.

Glad to hear from ya and glad to know life is going well for y'all


Thanks, hope you all had a great time with the family, and wish you all a happy new year!
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