CALAMITY JANE - Out in Her Bikini


Staff member
Ever since we got Jane from back from paint, reassembled and up and running again, Cindy and I have been enjoying driving her around, everywhere we can and of course, totally topless. Unfortunately, with summer finally here, daytime temps reaching up into the 90's and the sun relentlessly beating down on us, it was about time to cover things up or at least, just a bit anyway. Needless to say, Jane isn't running around naked anymore but rather, is now sporting a nice black bikini. Here are a few shots showing off a more modest side of Jane. :cool:



Thanks! It was almost a shame to cover her up with a bikini and we weren't sure how she'd look with it but after seeing her wearing it, I don't think it looks too bad :yup:
Looking great!! I almost never go completely topless. Can't stand the sun blasting us all the time especially when temp rise closer to triple digits.
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