Bushwacker flat fender flares

Got it, thanks. When you have time, would you mind taking a close up photo of the cut fender and the edge trim? Hopefully I can find something similar to your edge trim around here

I've seen it sold at a gas station type shop in Dubai next to the car air fresheners. Not white, only chrome and black. But for sure an auto trim shop there can order it for you in white.
What's wrong with metal

A note for those in the snow belt : I'd never have steel fenders again in the Northeast. The rears are shaped so catch and keep winter salt and road slush, soon leading to paint flake and rust. I'll admit the fenders (and it's paint finish) weren't from one of the prime manufacturers.

Went with Bushwacker plastic flats recently. Will see how these hold-up.
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I agree with the stock fenders suggestion. They are super bendy on the trail. I have the bushwackers and while a good product if I had a second chance I would've cut the stocks

I did same as you. The Bushwhackers look nice and everything however I also feel that if I had to do it over again, I would have gone with trimming the stock ones.....
Oh they bend alright....just no where near as much as stocks. It is more likely that it'll rip off after certain amount of bend (ask me how I know lol)
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