Brake Slide Pine Seized


New member
Was changing my rear brake pads and one of the slide pins on the caliper is seized, looks like the grease dried up and the pin rusted a bit. Any best options for getting it unstuck?
Can I use WD-40 or is that a major no?
Was changing my rear brake pads and one of the slide pins on the caliper is seized, looks like the grease dried up and the pin rusted a bit. Any best options for getting it unstuck?
Can I use WD-40 or is that a major no?
Seized as in won't come out? Or seized as in the caliper won't slide on it properly? WD40 won't do shit anyways.
We always had problems with super duty's doing that. We would put it in the vise, strip anything that wasn't metal off and torch the caliper bracket until the slide was freed up enough to pull it out with a channel lock. Then wire wheel them clean and re-grease. New boots may be a good idea as well to help prevent it from happening again.
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