Best Trail Runs of 2013


Staff member
Well, today is the very last day of 2013 and what I want to know is, what was your favorite trail run(s) this year? Specifically, what I want to know is what it's called, where it's located, who all went with you (if anyone) and what made it so memorable? Please be sure to post up pics and, if you have a highlight thread that you started here about it, please be sure to include it in your post. It was hard to limit ourselves but, to kick things off, here are the top 5 runs we did this year. :cool:

WAYALIFE Top 5 Trail Runs of 2013

5. Snake Lake and Sierra Buttes 2013: Cindy and I have been exploring the Sierra Nevada Mountains for a long time now but only recently, have had the pleasure of sharing some of our favorite destinations with our friends. Over the summer, our good friends JeepFan and Stephanie, the mcpucks, ramin, RanchoRubi and Sharkey and his family all came out to join us on a run up the Snake Lake trail which is located up in the Sierra Buttes. What made it so memorable for us is that most of our friends live down in Southern California and so getting up here was quite a haul for them. That they made the effort anyway was really a treat for us. To see more pics from our trip, simply click on the title or on the pic below:

4. Black Rock High Rock Exploration 2013: You know you are out there and I mean, WAY OUT THERE when the BLM post up warning signs to inform you that, beyond this point, there are NO SERVICES, NO WATER and that YOU WILL BE ON YOUR OWN!! It's places that these that Cindy and I cherish so much being that here in America, they are harder and harder to find. It's out here deep in the Northern Nevada Desert that you can truly get away and experience what things might have been like 100 years ago and many cases, millions of years ago. Among other things, what made this trip so memorable for us was that we got to see an ancient petrified forest of Giant Sequoias with one having a base almost 20 ft. in diameter. A crazy thought especially being how far out in the desert it is. We also got to see a hot spring so hot that warning signs have been erected to let you know that you will DIE if you go in it. To see more pics from this trip, simply click on the title or on the pic below:

3. Diggin-In at the 72nd Annual Gem-O-Rama: While this wasn't really a trail run so to speak, so much of what we did on this day is what we feel the Jeep WAYALIFE is all about. Located out in Trona, CA, the Gem-O-Rama is an annual event put on by the Searles Lake Gem and Mineral Society and, although Cindy and I had known about it for years, this was the very first time we got to go to it. Fortunately, we got to go with our good friends JeepFan and Stephanie, Moochie and Robert and his family from Dynatrac. What made it so memorable for us was that we got to go out into the middle of a vast dry lake and do something crazy - dig in the mud and look for gems! If you ever get a chance to do it, I would highly recommend it as it is a ton of fun. You can see more pics from our day out at the Gem-o-Rama by clicking on the title or on the pic below.:

2. Follow the Concrete Arrows - A Quest to Find Transcontinental Airway Beacons: I have to say that this trip was a real close 2nd place for us. There are few things that we enjoy more than getting out and exploring the wide open Northern Nevada Desert by ourselves especially when we're on the hunt for historical destinations. For this trip, we only had clues as to what we were looking for and no real idea if they were even still there and, to find all that we did - that to us is what owning a Jeep is all about.

1. BY PERMIT ONLY : Devil's Canyon Trail: Without a doubt, I'd have to say that Devils Canyon tops the list as being our favorite trail of the year. This is a brutal trail located down by the Mexican border half way between El Centro and El Cajon and maybe the hardest one we ran all year. Fortunately, we were lucky enough to be accompanied by our good friends Trail Bud, Moochie, JeepFan and Stephanie, the mcpucks, ramin, RanchoRubi, RagnarJK and Dmanual and Laura. What made it so memorable was the fact that this is a trail that you can only run with a permit from the BLM. I should note that getting this permit is next to impossible especially being that you need to have a $2M liability insurance policy and even if you can afford it, next to no one wants to give you one. We were only able to make this possible with the help of our friends at Off Road Evolution who offered to let us piggyback off their carrier. Here's a shot from the run and more can be seen by clicking on the title or on the pic below:

BONUS - Picking Up Moby: Being that this was more of an event than a trail run, I didn't feel it should be included in our list but, picking up Moby after almost a year of him being away from home was a favorite moment for us. And so, I have included it as a bonus on this thread. To see our build thread and tons of pics, simply click on the title or on the pic below:

So, I showed you ours, I'd now love to see yours! :thumb:
I got this message when trying to view the gem o rama.

bl17z90, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1.Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2.If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
I got this message when trying to view the gem o rama.

bl17z90, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1.Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2.If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Sorry, posted up a bad link. Give it a try now :crazyeyes:
5. High Lakes Run for Lunch with the family - This was our first run back with both rigs.


4. Rubicon Run with 10 WOL members - Had a ton of fun and met some great people!


3. Rubicon Run with the family - First time my wife has been on it and she drove it like a champ! (Can't find any pics right now she has them on her computer :doh:)


2. Upper Morris Lake and Mine - This is a great run and has some stunning views!



1. Lower Morris Lake Snow-ish Run - Had a wonderful day just exploring and enjoying the out doors with the family.




There will be plenty more in 2014! Already have about 10 planned including Moab EJS :thumb:
Gotta tell you, we were so blessed to have another epic year with our WAYALIFE friends. :yup: We started the year with the New Years run outside of the Barstow area, we went to Moab for a week for EJS, ran up to the Defense Mine in Panamint Valley, ran Devils Canyon down in the San Diego area, spent a week in July up in Tahoe exploring deep in the Sierra Nevada’s, in August we were back up in Tahoe for another week running the Rubicon with a group of friends from Canadia, Spent the month of September back east and met up with the east coast WAYALIFE crew at Rauch Creek, in November we ran the Mojave Road, and December we had the Newbie Run out in Last Chance Canyon. Wholly Crap it IS a WAYALIFE!!! :yup::eek:
Doing so many runs with our dear friends Eddie & Cindy and all our Pals, Lori and I are truly blessed and living the dream. :yup::rock: If I had to pick one adventure as my favorite without a question its Devil’s Canyon. Something like 15 hours to go 2 miles?!?!?! Brutal and intense are good ways to describe it.
I can’t wait to see what 2014 brings. :thumb:
2013 was a quiet year compared to 2012. But not with out some excitement and new chal

Eddie and crew. You truly have some fantastic places to Jeep. I thank you for taking the time to share with us all the wonderful pictures, videos and stories.

Here is my humble contribution.

The year started off with a shake down/newbie run on a very familiar trail here in Ontario Canada called Concession lake. It's not an overly challenging trail for a built rig. It is however an exciting trail if you are fairly new to wheeling and offers lots of challenges and various terrain. This trail is classified as an expert trail for ATVs. At the midway point at an obstacle we call split rock our day got serious very fast.

Here is a link to an article that details the days event's.

There is an even here called CampNL that is put on by an organization called the OF4WD. They are a group of volunteers that works to keep 4x4 access to trails open in Ontario and a group that I am a proud to be a member of.

CampNL is in late August and this year I was especially looking forward to it. With the Jeep locked front and rear and 35's I was excited to take on one of the more challenging trails we have called Timber 3. It's a short but very rocky trail.
I did this trail on the Friday of CampNL first time out with my lockers and 35's. Half way up I lost a ujoint clip (the C type not a full circle one) Then the cap fell off and that took out the joint and bent the ears on the inner and outer shafts on the drivers side. My progress had been halted for the day. A quick trail fix and we winched and drove me off to the side on the quick exit ramp. The up side to this was I got to spend the rest of the day as TB with one of the trail guides in his buggy.
On the Saturday after a lot of scrambling a to find parts I was all fixed up and again took on Timber 3 successfully this time :thumb:

This picture was taken in the fall last year from near the top and gives a rough idea of what it looks like.

Timber 3 resize.jpg

Some pictures from Saturday.

Timber 3 sat resize A.jpgTimber 3 sat resize.jpg

When I say 2013 was quiet I don't mean that in a bad way. I spent a lot of the season this year volunteering doing trail clearing, clean ups and some bridge building both literally and figuratively.

Happy New Year everyone.
Let's see top 5.

5. Wayalife Kickoff Run 2013
This was my first run with the forum and I had a blast.

4. Daylight Savings Camping Trip
This was just a fun and relaxing camping trip with a lot of memorable moments. :D

3. Panamint Valley/Defense Mine

2. Old Mojave Road

1. Rubicon Run 2013
I was lucky enough to be able to wheel in two amazing places this year, and they were truly memorable.


Spring Canyon Bottom, Moab. A very quiet trail, and an excellent location for solitude and access to the colorado river.


4) The road to picture frame arch, Moab....again, nothing crazy, but a wonderful scenic trail with some fun high speed sand pounding.



3) Hurrah pass Moab....quite possibly one of the most beautiful trails in Moab IMHO.

2) Yankee Boy Basin, Ouray Colorado....beautiful trail, especially during the wildflower bloom




1) Imogene Pass, Telluride Colorado...simply a breathtaking trail with views that would drop your jaw.

Sadly the Jeep in the photos has been traded in for a 2014 JKUR, but you never forget your first. :D
1) Imogene Pass, Telluride Colorado...simply a breathtaking trail with views that would drop your jaw.

Sadly the Jeep in the photos has been traded in for a 2014 JKUR, but you never forget your first. :D[/QUOTE]

If this were 2012, I'd say this was one of my top 5. There just parts of Colorado that can't be replicated for awe inspiring scenery.
1) Imogene Pass, Telluride Colorado...simply a breathtaking trail with views that would drop your jaw.

Sadly the Jeep in the photos has been traded in for a 2014 JKUR, but you never forget your first. :D

If this were 2012, I'd say this was one of my top 5. There just parts of Colorado that can't be replicated for awe inspiring scenery.[/QUOTE]

Troof right there.
I have to agree with a lot of what McPuck said in the earlier post. It is about a wayalife, exploring, adventure, and most importantly sharing it with great friends who have the same passion.

Top five in 2013 for me,with joe, my copilot, weighing in with key moments

5. Moab, Metal masher, ORE sponsored run. View at Arths rim is Moab. image.jpg

4. Moab, Longs Canyon/White Rim trail with WOL group... Watching JeepFan walk across Musselman Arch is a priceless memory:clap2:

3. Snake Lake/Sierra Buttes. Climbing the lookout tower and seeing Mt Shasta in the distance.image.jpg

2. The Rubicon with the Canadians and WOL group. A first for me. Still can't get over how incredible Lake Tahoe area is. The peace and beauty of rubicon springs when the jeep jamboree is not there is special

1. Devils Canyon. Adventure, hardcore, and no matter how smoothly most of the run is going, expect the unexpected. Would never do it without being with the friends that were part of it.:friends::rock:image.jpg
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Salt Creek & Horse Canyon in Canyonlands National Park. Access to these trails is by permit only. They have been closed as impassible for most of the past 3 or 4 years. Western Slope 4 Wheelers members interested in this trip offered to open whatever sections that might be impassible. Then the trail was opened briefly last June. We had 3 Jeeps. The Jeep in the middle was a near stock older TJ on regular highway tires. We made the whole trip, Peekaboo, Paul Bunyan's Potty, rock art, Anasazi ruins as far as 3 Jeeps could go.
The couple on stock tires did really well in the sand & rocks. Got to use their new front & rear hooks just once each.
If you are in the area, ask to drive this trail. If closed & impassible, ask about opening it. The folks at Canyonlands Needles District Visitors Center are 4 wheel drive friendly. Just say thank you to them.
5. New Years Kick-Off Run.

With Eddie, Cindy and 48 other Wayalifers. Great times and my son learned to love the desert and exploring. Great Dad and Son day. My oldest son now looks forward to wheeling and exploring. :thumb:

4. Joshua Tree Trip.
Great scenery good company and an awesome adventure. Set out to find a fellow forum member's son's weather balloon that was equipped with GPS and landed in Joshua Tree National Park. It was an Overlander's dream. :cheesy:

3. Berdoo Canyon.
Met some great friends, both my boys had a blast and although super easy, it was a scenic trip.

2. Superstition Mountain.
Another adventure with some good friends. I learned that sand is no fun and the 9th time is a charm (when climbing sand hills). :thumb: More of Overlander's awesome navigation skills. :cheesy:

1. Mojave Trail Run.
Me, three great buddies, 140 miles of trail over three days and quite a few adventures in between. Really good food for being in the middle of the desert.This trip really set the tone for Overlander's navigating prowess :eek:
My apologies for those in countries where these videos are prohibited.

5- Getting stuck in my own back yard. This was a first for me.

4- Ross Lake Snow Run. About 8 of us on this day. Beautiful day out. Made it closer to the lake than ever before. Ran out of daylight and there were many trees down that ate into our day when clearing.

3- Apex Mt trails. 10 of us on this and we had fun in the snow and ran a trail that did not exist that lead us into a mine. Once in a lifetime trail ride as the miner will be closing off that road that he did not know existed...

2- Whipsaw. Huge gathering of which I lead 18 through the trail. Just an all round great weekend that ended with me trailering home a broken frame Toyota.

1- Tillamook Oregon was my big fun trip of the year. Its TSF! And the beach was fun too. 10 of us on this trip.
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5. New Years Kick-Off Run.

With Eddie, Cindy and 48 other Wayalifers. Great times and my son learned to love the desert and exploring. Great Dad and Son day. My oldest son now looks forward to wheeling and exploring. :thumb:

4. Joshua Tree Trip.
Great scenery good company and an awesome adventure. Set out to find a fellow forum member's son's weather balloon that was equipped with GPS and landed in Joshua Tree National Park. It was an Overlander's dream. :cheesy:

3. Berdoo Canyon.
Met some great friends, both my boys had a blast and although super easy, it was a scenic trip.

2. Superstition Mountain.
Another adventure with some good friends. I learned that sand is no fun and the 9th time is a charm (when climbing sand hills). :thumb: More of Overlander's awesome navigation skills. :cheesy:

1. Mojave Trail Run.
Me, three great buddies, 140 miles of trail over three days and quite a few adventures in between. Really good food for being in the middle of the desert.This trip really set the tone for Overlander's navigating prowess :eek:

I have good excuses for both of those trips. No GPS for the first one and poorly marked location for the other. Russ is my witness.
Oh this year was a blast! Although I didn't get a lot of trail time in I did have one trail run that will make a life time of experiences.

1. Sedona broken arrow. This was my first run with Wayalife friends, Eddie, Cindy, Moochie, and NAUJK and others I can't remember at the moment... But going to the overland expo and then heading to Sedona for broken arrow. It was a good time and for 2014 I plan on a few more trips including the Rubicon. I can't wait to make new friends and most important, great memories with new friends. Looking forward to this year and happy new year!
I have to say the week of the JKX was the best trails i have experienced ever. I broke two drive shafts, a tie rod and it looks like the motor as well.

I would do it all over again with less throttle

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