Best cheapo Mods you can give to relatives to satiate holiday gift idea requests

So this went south quickly. I'll rephrase: What quality JK upgrades are in the 50 bucks or less range (no matter how basic) in your experience? Besides the economy box of tampons. :blush:

Bottom line I'm trying to give relatives a viable option for something I'll actually use while not breaking their meager bank.


I just re-read this and I can't believe how ungrateful you are. "Meager" bank accounts? Seriously? I don't know what your upbringing was like, but I was taught that every gift given to you should be appreciated. This makes me cringe and sad for your family. :doh:
What a fucking douche.
I can only hope someday you grow the hell up.
What a goddamn brat.

Wish your family could see this thread.

I will bet you did not buy your Jeep yourself.
I am constantly bombarded by questions from Grandparents/Aunts/Uncles/In-laws about my gift desires for the damn holiday season. I give no shits about the religious holiday/mandatory gift buying experience...

...I'm great at buying my self the right stuff with prices above 100$...


You are exactly what is wrong with this country, all balled up in one neat little package.

(Have them buy you a spelling/grammar for dummies book, but I digress.)
Maybe they could all pitch in and give you an over-inflated sense of self-worth and entitlement? :idontknow:

Oh wait...
Maybe they could all pitch in and give you an over-inflated sense of self-worth and entitlement? :idontknow:

Oh wait...

My favorite quote. This gave me a laugh, thank you.

To the OP, you should travel some, see how the other half lives. Then you might have a whole new appreciation for what you do have.

One of the quickest thread fails ive ever read on here. What an unappreciative shit.

How bout we continue with "Christmas gifts for jeeps"

... ready.....go!!!
Guys...take it easy on the OP. We're all different and we're not the moral Police. Noting that...there are some funny responses.

Here is mine:
As someone pointed out you may want to offer an online option; such as an Amazon wishlist or some other Jeep/ 4x4 website. Depending on what tickles your fancy you could look into things like decals or t-shirts. Look at stubby antenna's, cheap storage options, small flashlights, ARB air down kit or maybe even a first aid kit. You could always look into things like coolers too. Camping items if you're into that.
Here's an idea you selfish punk....if you don't give two shits about this holiday....have them make a charitable donation in your name. I'm sure that never crossed your mind. Just "hey guys, help me figured out cool shit for my family to get me while I bitch about how they can't afford to get me what I really want." #asshat
So this went south quickly. I'll rephrase: What quality JK upgrades are in the 50 bucks or less range (no matter how basic) in your experience? Besides the economy box of tampons. :blush:

Bottom line I'm trying to give relatives a viable option for something I'll actually use while not breaking their meager bank.

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