Anyone with experience with ORO hop-stopper?

i believe one of our fellow forum members here has this installed and he had some good words to say about it. sadly i can not remember for the life of me who installed it.
^ me :) i like it. doubles as an antitheft device, since if you don't know its there, its pretty hard to open the hood, unlike outside latches.
I was set on the Hop Stopper until I saw the RR latches on Amazon for less than $80 ($78 and change IIRC) + free shipping . Def not twice the price. Anyways, my 2014 factory latches were already looking like cr@p (bleaching); the ORO does not fix that. I am satisfied with purchase and install.
I've heard people have had luck with just removing the spring from the hood. I'd give that a try before spending the money
I had a '07 and now a '11 and their is no hood flutter at all....?
What I have experienced going over some FL bridges with cross winds was too alarming to be called "flutter"... serious banging. I thought for sure there would be damage upon inspection, but there was not. This happened 3 times in 4 months before I bought the hinges.
Tuffy hood lock installed on mine, solves flutter problems as well as theft problems. I just make it a habit to unlock it when offroading. Not that something can't happen other times but the thought is that I might need under the hood in a hurry more offroad than on road. Hope to never prove that wrong.
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