Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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First and foremost, I mostly care about my family and the ones I love...sorry Adam, you are not high on the list (but you are on the list)...

All of those facts are mostly true. I have chosen to get vaccinated mainly not because it will keep me from getting covid...there is a chance I may still contract it...I got vaccinated because I don't want to go to the hospital and have a tube shoved down my throat and hooked up to a ventilator. Am I 100% unlikely going to the hospital after contracting covid being vaccinated?...of course not...nothing is 100% (except the Raiders not making the playoffs). But I like my odds a lot more than being unvaccinated, since I'm closer to 80 than I am to 40.

Everyone should make their own choice...I firmly believe this. Just make your choice based on correct data, not just the data you choose to believe because it is what you would like the reality to be.

I take a daily med to prevent a gout episode, because my doctor recommends it. I take a yearly physical examination and blood work because my doctor recommends it. I got vaccinated because my doctor recommends it...
Exactly. It's you're choice and you seem to be one of the few vaccinated people it preaching how everyone needs to get it. I'm not going around condemning people for making their choice to get vaccinated or wear a mask. That's their choice and I don't give a shit. The problem I have is how this virus is being used to divide this country even further. When "my" governor says people not getting vaccinated are just as bad as drunk drivers they can fuck right off. These "incentives" and "happy" ad council ads everywhere are the biggest pieces of propaganda. I just picture a bunch of big pharma directors sitting around a big board room table smoking the finest cigars and drinking the finest whiskey laughing all the way to the bank.
The Pandemic, The "Vaccine", The CDC, W.H.O., China, The Wuhan Lab, Fauci, The Media, The Censorship, All the "Vaccine" Deaths, Bill Gates and his fascination with Population Control, The Money from the Gates Foundation, The Politics, The Mandates, The Covid Passports, Social Media...... It's ALL SHADY AS FUCK. Doctors generally do what they are Told..... and so do the Sheeple. I'm not anti Vaccine... but I am Anti - forcing an experimental "Emergency" Drug on millions of people... ESPECIALLY my Kids. NOBODY knows the long term effect... All this Bullshit can Fuck right off.
Mic drop
A fucking rock. Imagine being such a pussy that a fucking rock offends you.

Why not focus on the fact that it was once called a derogatory name but now isn't? Explain how and why calling it that was offensive. How long before Brazil nuts are outlawed? People are so stupid.
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Some good stuff here. Good for this guy. If you have 6:30 it’s worth the watch.

Not surprised one bit. Good info there though.

On top of that, I don't think I've mentioned this here on this thread but I will now. This guy mentioning zinc made me think of it. I've been taking zinc for about 6 months now. Had nothing to do with covid but a doctor friend of mine said it's really good for overall immune health and I've been focusing on improving my health in general now for about a year far more than I have in the last decade. Haven't gotten sick at all. I'm not saying that it's the zinc, but it was interesting to hear that guy mention it.
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Some good stuff here. Good for this guy. If you have 6:30 it’s worth the watch.

This guy was excellent.
Not surprised one bit. Good info there though.

On top of that, I don't think I've mentioned this here on this thread but I will now. This guy mentioning zinc made me think of it. I've been taking zinc for about 6 months now. Had nothing to do with covid but a doctor friend of mine said it's really good for overall immune health and I've been focusing on improving my health in general now for about a year far more than I have in the last decade. Haven't gotten sick at all. I'm not saying that it's the zinc, but it was interesting to hear that guy mention it.
Yep I've been taking OTC generic vitamin C and zinc (costs less than $5 for both) at the first sign of a cold for years. I get the sniffles and maybe a slight cough but it's over quick. If I'm going to travel I'll start loading up a couple weeks before my trip to help prevent me from getting sick from sitting in the petri dish.
I’m very curious to read responses to my last two sentences above as I think they are the most relevant to the bigger discussion/concept. If you are against taking the covid vaccine; do you think you should be entitled to receive medical care if you get covid? If so, explain to me why.
I am sick and tired of paying for all the sick people, and particularly those who are too poor to bury themselves. I suggest that it should be required for everyone to pay for their burial/cremation in advance, or at least dig a hole in advance and leave a note saying where it is. Enough already!
I am sick and tired of paying for all the sick people, and particularly those who are too poor to bury themselves. I suggest that it should be required for everyone to pay for their burial/cremation in advance, or at least dig a hole in advance and leave a note saying where it is. Enough already!
Is paying for burials a big thing? I have not heard that it is?
Some good stuff here. Good for this guy. If you have 6:30 it’s worth the watch.

spiffypenguin knows better ...LMFAO
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