Another cause of Death wobble


Caught the Bug
Here is the first real failure I've had with my rig since installing my lift. I've taken it on several moderate trails and daily driving around the NE and this is what happened this morning on the way to work.

I think it actually started the crack in (my obvious sub-par weld job) two days ago when I last drove it, but I didn't see anything when I looked at the front end after I felt a little slack in the steering. 200 yards down the road today and the slack came back and the wobble began. Any time I hit a bump above 15 mph or got above 20.

This is going to be fun to fix once I have time to tear into it tonight.

Enjoy the pic!
Yeah, that'll do it :crazyeyes:

Don't know if I'd entirely blame it on your welding. A track bar relocation bracket that doesn't offer enough reinforcement will act like a lever and that will pry at the mount until it tears off. Seen it happen with a lot of kits.
It is the RK mount.

I plan to "open it up" when I get from work today. Any thoughts on how to beef it up? I know the EVO and several other manufacturers use U-bolts to fastener their brackets. Any thoughts on how I fix this right? Can I buy just EVO bracket? If I can, could I just install it and still use it with my current set-up (RK 3.5" X-factor kit)? It seems like I should be able to. I still have my stock track bar sitting in my garage.

I really don't want to have this happen again. Thanks guys!
I have the synergy bracket. The u bolt is on the pumpkin side of the bracket. For the outside edge of the bracket there is a hole that you run a bolt through the stock sway bar hole and then the bracket itself so it ties it all together
The track bar bracket (OEM and RK) has been completed ripped off the axle.

Here are a few pictures:




Since the OEM bracket is completely sheared off. I see three options:
1) Weld the OEM and RK composite bracket back on with better welds done by a professional.

2) Grind off the RK bracket. Weld the OEM back on. Install the EVO or Synergy bracket.

3) Modify the RK bracket to incorporate at least one U-bolt to strengthen the entire bracket. Weld then bolt the modified composite bracket back onto the axle, then bolt it in place for added strength.

By the amount of rust where your welds were once it appears to have been broken for a while.
I saw the same thing. I took a couple big front hits the last time I wheeled about a month ago up in VT. It may have started to crack then and continued throughout the last month of rough crappy roads here in RI until all the welds failed. I'm not completely sure, but I need to fix it.
Yikes! I'd also agree with JKBrick that some of those welds have probably been broken for a while based on rust.

I'm not 100% sure, but most aftermarket trackbar relocation kits (EVO, AEV, etc.) require the factory TB mount to be in place. I would think welding the stock bracket back on and then upgrading to an EVO TB Relo bracket would be the way to go. Having the U-bolt around the tube really helps distribute the load placed on the bracket.

Good luck!
Thank you for the advice. I was close to modifying the RK mount (adding on a mounting plate for a U-bolt), but I don't want to potentially mess things up to save a few bucks. So I just ordered the EVO forward track bar mount and the rear track bar mount so I will not have to deal with this again.

I'll be separating the RK mount from the OEM forward track bar bracket tonight. If I have time, I'll clean up the OEM mount and weld it back on. If not, I'll get to later on this week.

When the new parts arrive, I'll install the forward EVO mount and get the Jeep back on the street. Luckily I kept all of my stock suspension equipment so I can re-use some of it now.

I plan to install the rear EVO track bar mount when I have a few days at the end of the month.
Good luck with the fix. Can't tell you how many guys have posted broken rk mounts since I've been here.
It looks like you've already decided on your solution, but did you consider any of the Artec Industries offerings? They have track bar mounts for both raised and stock heights, made from 1/4 inch stock. I installed their standard height bracket; it's quite stout:

Thanks for the suggestion and picture. That mount looks very stout.

Here is a picture of the stock mount right after I separated it from the RK mount.

I'll need to clean it up, but I won't need to straighten it out much before I weld it back on. I guess I lucked out in that way.
It looks like you've already decided on your solution, but did you consider any of the Artec Industries offerings? They have track bar mounts for both raised and stock heights, made from 1/4 inch stock. I installed their standard height bracket; it's quite stout:

Chili, did you stack those dimes?

I agree, why put a stressed piece of metal that will be re stressed by welding it back on? I'd order one of those that Chili digested and call it good. Be careful or have someone who knows what they are doing weld it on.
I decided to go with EVO because of the amount of people who use them without issues. When I talked to the sales Rep about the mount, he told me the stock mount is really just used to position the EVO mount, it is not a strength member of it.

I already bought it and it should have shipped a few hours ago along with their rear track bar bracket.
Chili, did you stack those dimes?

LOL, well that was my attempt at dime stacking! Looks more like assorted loose change to me.

I decided to go with EVO because of the amount of people who use them without issues. When I talked to the sales Rep about the mount, he told me the stock mount is really just used to position the EVO mount, it is not a strength member of it.

I already bought it and it should have shipped a few hours ago along with their rear track bar bracket.

Best of luck, and I'll be lurking to see how it turns out.

Thanks. I'll post up what I do.

If my welds look like crap, or any of my resulting repair work isn't going well in your eyes don't worry about hurting my feelings and let me know.
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