ALL in the Name of SAVING the PLANET


Staff member
Clearly, when it comes to SAVING the PLANET, why would anyone care about pre-historic pup fish that have survived millions of years out in a patch of desert that nobody wants to live in over even visit. I mean, who cares that they can't be found anywhere else in the world or that their very existence is on the brink of extinction if it means we can all drive electric cars, right? Just like the thousands of endangered Desert Tortoise that were euthanized in the name of collecting power from the sun, there are just some things that are just way more important.

I have little doubts that I'm the crazy one here but I personally LOVE the desert. And, if at all possible, I'd really like to put a priority on preserving it and all the creatures that exist within it. That said, I'm not super optimistic that'll happen especially when everyone is going nuts about electric and lithium these days. And, while I typically think that signing petitions and the like do a whole lot of nothing... I'll be honest and say that I broke down and signed this one.
Clearly, when it comes to SAVING the PLANET, why would anyone care about pre-historic pup fish that have survived millions of years out in a patch of desert that nobody wants to live in over even visit. I mean, who cares that they can't be found anywhere else in the world or that their very existence is on the brink of extinction if it means we can all drive electric cars, right? Just like the thousands of endangered Desert Tortoise that were euthanized in the name of collecting power from the sun, there are just some things that are just way more important.

I have little doubts that I'm the crazy one here but I personally LOVE the desert. And, if at all possible, I'd really like to put a priority on preserving it and all the creatures that exist within it. That said, I'm not super optimistic that'll happen especially when everyone is going nuts about electric and lithium these days. And, while I typically think that signing petitions and the like do a whole lot of nothing... I'll be honest and say that I broke down and signed this one.
What's not being reported, the Canadian company doing this has been given a waiver on any environmental impact study and the whole process has been expedited with the promises of money and the urgency of "the sky is falling"
What's not being reported, the Canadian company doing this has been given a waiver on any environmental impact study and the whole process has been expedited with the promises of money and the urgency of "the sky is falling"
It really is just so frustrating and maddening to see. All this shit is just getting forced down our throats whether we like it or not. I feel so helpless.
People use the desert like a dump. I get sick of it. Honestly, shooters are often the worst with the leaving trash and brass everywhere. It’s unfortunate that more people don’t understand the beauty of the desert. It comes as no surprise that the greenies do the same thing in their quest for battery heaven.
The river (that you mostly cannot see) and the little fish (that you mostly cannot see) definitely need to be saved from destruction by humans.

Biden recently raised the tarif on electric vehicles from China to 100%. It seems like a false expectation to expect our non-existent domestic production to make up for this. Now we hear that sacrifices need to be made to achieve the "green dream", such as putting our deserts in danger.
This shouldn't be a surprise to us. Most of us can actually look at an issue and see that the causes are numerous and complicated. When you only focus on one thing you make stupid decisions that make everything worse.
In this case it is that oil used in cars is the cause of all of our environmental issues. Which of course it is only a small part. (in fact it is a tiny part)
Does anyone really believe that electric cars are going to save us when in fact they are worse in the long run? I guess it helps these idiots sooth their conscious when they buy a new one every two years. They aren't going to give up conspicuous consumption so they invent a way to feel better about it.
And that doesn't even cover the personal investments in "Green Tech" that all of the policy makers have made!

And besides, isn't the desert just a bunch of useless sand!
EVERYTHING government touches they make worse. When I was growing up everyone drove sedans and people with more than one or two kids drove station wagons. Then along came the EPA and they set mileage standards which killed the large sedan and station wagon. Now evryone is driving these huge SUVs because trucks have different standards.
We had what was called health insurance and then along came government who created these things called HMOs which supplanted actual insurance. Now so called health insurance pays for Dr visits not just unexpected events. Imagine your car insurance cost if it paid for oil changes and regular maintenance. Same principle Insurance is supposed to cover unexpected or catastrophic costs like an accident or a broken leg not every check up.
I could go on all day and still barely scratch the surface how bad govt screws up everything they touch.
Anyone know what is going on with the drilling for lithium in Panamint Valley.. I havent followed up after seeing the Rig out there in November of 23.
Clearly, when it comes to SAVING the PLANET, why would anyone care about pre-historic pup fish that have survived millions of years out in a patch of desert that nobody wants to live in over even visit. I mean, who cares that they can't be found anywhere else in the world or that their very existence is on the brink of extinction if it means we can all drive electric cars, right? Just like the thousands of endangered Desert Tortoise that were euthanized in the name of collecting power from the sun, there are just some things that are just way more important.

I have little doubts that I'm the crazy one here but I personally LOVE the desert. And, if at all possible, I'd really like to put a priority on preserving it and all the creatures that exist within it. That said, I'm not super optimistic that'll happen especially when everyone is going nuts about electric and lithium these days. And, while I typically think that signing petitions and the like do a whole lot of nothing... I'll be honest and say that I broke down and signed this one.
That place is definitely on my list of places to visit. Very cool.
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