Alaska Off-Road Warriors

Looks cool, but unfortunately it also looks like it will provide plenty of ammo for the Sierra Club types.
They got quite the crew. Based on the vehicles I think Moby could win it. Or to be fair Eddie could use Plan C.
I thought it was entertaining not so much technical off roading but a lot crazy driving. I do wish they coulda used a couple Jeeps frm Wayolife jus to make it more interesting. Not what I was expecting but entertaining none the less
I saw that show last night and its great for a good laugh but thats about it..Its like watching Whale wars just to see them crash and break stuff ....:thumb:
looks like a stupid show that might be kinda cool. as sharkey mantion this might provided some ammo for people agaisnt off roading
It was mostly unintelligent, hammer down offroading. Some may love it, some may not. I thought it was entertaining, but thats about it. I do like to see offroading on TV though. Beats watching the other garbage out there.
Have only seen the previews, and it looks like hillbillies pedal to the metal thrashing. Not sure if it will give offroaders a good image. Would have been cool if they combined travel with offroading, similar to Eddie's trip threads with cool photos/locations. Eddie, time to pitch the discovery channel.
I was entertained by the show. I am sure some granola eating hippies will be up in arms at the damage to the environment.
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