Ah, that's how this place got it's reputation huh

Actually, I came in with good intentions, but you had to have a power trip.

Power trip?!? Because someone stuck up for a friend? Obviously you are still completely ignorant.

I knew I wouldn't want to stick around here eventually, just didn't think it'd happen so fast.

Then why the fuck did you even come here? You just proved you weren't here to contribute, just to show off your seat covers. :clap2:
Btw, the sticker is from a group out of Phoenix and it wasn't paid for.

Funny, last I checked, I paid the USPTO a good chunk of change to have my trademark copyrighted. The PROJECT-JK logo which consists of a squared off and angular single image depicting the letters 'JK' bound at the center is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office - Registration Number: 4,918,920. Int. Cl.: 16. Ser. No. 86-708,800.

I respect Eddie and what he's built through the years...

Could have fooled me.

...but Jesus Christ it's a 2" sticker.

Seriously! I mean, it was just my time, hard work and money that went into making the JK logo what it is today. Why should anyone care :rolleyes2:

Ah, that's how this place got it's reputation huh.

Ah, why am I not surprised :rolleyes2:
Yet another fucking idiot who gets upset the world doesn't bow to him and his little paradigm.

Actually, I came in with good intentions, but you had to have a power trip. I knew I wouldn't want to stick around here eventually, just didn't think it'd happen so fast.

That's bullshit two fold. Show me my power trip. Everyone here knows I have no power trip. I'm far from a forum badass. You also had no intentions other than self serving to show off some yellow seat cover. Fitting they'd be yellow as your just some coward troll trying to prove how cool you are to friends.

We are glad it happened so fast as now the rest of us can continue to part of this community and support our friends and family.

I'm sure your club/group will be getting a cease and desist letter soon. I believe Eddie has them on standby for all the thieves out there like you. Until then, enjoy your 2".
This place only has 148 members? Wow. Not surprised though.

And yet, you're the one who chose to be one of them in spite of the fact that you "knew you wouldn't want to stick around here eventually". Wow. Not surprised though.
I believe in second chances.

:cheesy: In other words, you've been down this road before and in spite of it, you purposefully came back looking for more. Wow, the "plenty of forums out there" must be just so awesome and filled with "tons of amazing people". :crazyeyes:
:cheesy: In other words, you've been down this road before and in spite of it, you purposefully came back looking for more. Wow, the "plenty of forums out there" must be just so awesome and filled with "tons of amazing people". :crazyeyes:

I've been down this road with JK Forum....coincidence? Oh no...same guy, same cult. :crazyeyes:

Please transfer this thread to the I hate Eddie/Wayalife thread.

Kidding, I still don't hate you. You messaged me and welcomed me immediately upon sign up. I apologize for the sticker, but I think it was unnecessary to harp all over me about it. Go harp the people selling them or giving them out.
I've been down this road with JK Forum....coincidence? Oh no...same guy, same cult. :crazyeyes:

Please transfer this thread to the I hate Eddie/Wayalife thread.

Kidding, I still don't hate you. You messaged me and welcomed me immediately upon sign up. I apologize for the sticker, but I think it was unnecessary to harp all over me about it. Go harp the people selling them or giving them out.

Too late asshole. Take a hint.
I've been down this road with JK Forum....coincidence? Oh no...same guy, same cult. :crazyeyes:

Sorry, I don't know you from Adam but the only coincidence I see here is you. Apparently, you're the same guy looking for the same thing and knowing "you wouldn't want to stick around here eventually". What a surprise :crazyeyes:

Please transfer this thread to the I hate Eddie/Wayalife thread.

No need. A special guy like you deserves his own special thread :yup:

Kidding, I still don't hate you.

And honestly, "hate" isn't even something I can begin to feel when it comes to you being that I don't have a clue as to who you are. At most, I'm a bit confused as to why you're even here at all.

You messaged me and welcomed me immediately upon sign up.

Imagine that :crazyeyes:

I apologize for the sticker, but I think it was unnecessary to harp all over me about me.

For the record, I never once harped on you for having a sticker with my stolen logo on it. In fact, I didn't even know all this stupidness was going on until someone brought it to my attention. The most I've done was clarify that the logo in question is a copyrighted trademark and one that I own.

Go harp the people selling them or giving them out.

Believe me, I would if I knew who they were but apparently, you don't want to say.
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