a wave from alberta.


New member
well, new to the jeep scene, well dont have one yet, but the stars are aligning and may be able to jump in with a project this spring, name's jesse, 34 married and got a couple of rapidly growing kids, and reside up in grande prairie, ab of the frozen wastes of canada :D, into hotrods, motorbikes, camping, fishing, and pretty much everything else related to outside.

always have wanted a jeep since i was little, but once i had the cash work dictated bigger metal so never really got away from running big turbo diesels but everything is falling in place so after years of haunting fourms i came across you guys and gals and after watching wayoflife's vids, it was the push i needed to make this a priority so hopefully soon will be able to contribute and make some epic trips with ya all, untill then cheers, happy new year and i got some serious reading to do!

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Right there with you, I waited years and years. But watching WAYALIFE vids help make my mind up, that it was time!!! Glad I did. Very cool people here too! :standing wave:
wow, thanks alot for the welcome guys, looking real forward to putting a rig together. took the first step today and didnt order a new work truck, took the old one to the shop for a freshining up. as long as she dont crater by spring everything should be a go to pick up a nice used jk. planning on having it moab ready in hopefully 2 years... maybe 3.. can build it, but this style wheeling is far, far out of my scope of driving.. looking forward to learning.

got the wife really interested as well, shes an easy sell so far, lucky that she enjoys most of the things i do. plus seems to be a great family atmosphere.

so after a few days straight of reading i've come to a couple conclusions... go coil and call evo :D

a couple questions though, just starting to lay out a build map, going with a dream rig and will adjust acording to budget as time rolls on.

around here its more mud and sand and tall ass mountains then sweet rock trails, but i always built big, 46s on rockwells style long box diesel pickups, so i was wondering is there anything to be gained by going 42s over 40s or does it just open up a pandoras box of problems for not that much usable gain. i really like the idea of the low center of gravity builds but would like to run at least 40s

prorock 80 wow. seeing is how its low pinion, is the gain worth the increased driveline angles once it gets stretching?
and on diffs what width is prefered when ordering?
same width front and back or go a hair wider in the front?
(would like to do a v8 or 4bt swap down the road, love those coal burners)
5.38s seem popular with the 40s, are 5.13 tolarable if theres a motor swap planned in the future?

20's vs 17's for wheels seen a lot of both and cant make up my mind which one i like more, are they pretty even on the trail once the air comes out? or is it just personal preferance.

really like the performance reviews of evo's systems so pretty made up on their products for suspension and skins, and tire carriers and.. well. most everything it seems.

well ended up more then just a couple questions, sorry if these come across silly, but a little over excited about this for some damn reason.. too much snow i blame :D

cheers fellas
Welcome from TX! :standing wave:

If you thought kids were expensive just own a Jeep for a while! :rock:
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