A trip out west.


Caught the Bug
So Monday I left Illinois for Prescott Arizona. A long and needed vacation. 12 days to do what ever I want. I was planning on stopping in Colorado but ended up passing through. I defiantly could not pass Moab. I got off 191 and onto Behind The Rocks. I took things lightly but still had fun. I attempted UpChuck but did not make it up. Lol I blame the open diffs or mainly my wheeling experience. While out on a trail I quickly remembered why I like the jeep community. Met a older guy and his daughter who where on the same trail. They too where experiencing their first time in Moab. We kind of stuck together for the remainder of the day and did some trails together. Super nice guy offered me snacks and drinks, which seems insignificant but when you just meet someone you don't know, it's a nice gesture. After parting ways I got back on the open road and started heading for Prescott. I arrived last night and got some much needed sleep. Made this thread to record what fun I had and to share my experience. If anyone in the area wants to get together and wheel let me know. I'm here for a week. I will post pictures later when I am on wifiImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1464196834.369425.jpg
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Sounds like a Awesome time. My Girlfriend often wonders how, perfectly good strangers can talk about jeeps like they have been friends for years. I don't think she gets it.
Looks like fun. I will be looking forward to seeing your pics. We are planning a Vacation to Moab. Thanks for sharing.
Sounds like a Awesome time. My Girlfriend often wonders how, perfectly good strangers can talk about jeeps like they have been friends for years. I don't think she gets it.

Yeah I don't think a lot of people get it. Lol

It really is amazing. Hell when I did the Moab run with Eddie and Cindy as well as everyone else I felt like I knew everyone for years! I mean I have but never meeting in person until then. It was just like old friends who haven't seen each other in a long time
It really is amazing. Hell when I did the Moab run with Eddie and Cindy as well as everyone else I felt like I knew everyone for years! I mean I have but never meeting in person until then. It was just like old friends who haven't seen each other in a long time

Yeah it is defiantly reassuring that no matter were you go, a jeeper will most likely be there to help or hang out.
It really is amazing. Hell when I did the Moab run with Eddie and Cindy as well as everyone else I felt like I knew everyone for years! I mean I have but never meeting in person until then. It was just like old friends who haven't seen each other in a long time

Unfortunately or fortunately I am still building my jeep. When it's done I hope to meet a few of you fellow members out on the trail sometime.
Well I made another trip out here to Prescott AZ again. I came in last night. Make a stop in Moab to take the family off roading. Played a little bit on behind the rocks. It's a fun trail. I went last spring as well. I really want to go on crown king or run the Desoto Mine trail. If any one is interested PM me.
I am so ready to head back to Moab and Colorado. We didn't get to stay as long we wanted to, long haul from Alabama
Sounds as though you and the family may move to the prescott area at some point. I would be up for the Desoto mine trail. I also replied to your other post about doing Smiley rock.
I'm jealous ! Sounds like a fun trip enjoy and post lots of pictures.

I will do my best.

Sounds as though you and the family may move to the prescott area at some point. I would be up for the Desoto mine trail. I also replied to your other post about doing Smiley rock.

Yeah I really like it here. Maybe some day. I seen your reply. I am still waiting on hearing back from my buddy on our plans this weekend. Then I will know when I can. I will keep everyone posted.
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