A long three days


New member
Touchdown Arizona! We just made it into Arizona all the way from Louisville Kentucky. We are about three hours outside of Phoenix and would've been there sooner if somebody did not steal one of our U-Haul trailers right off the jeep in Oklahoma. Although I have been driving for three days I really need to hit a trail and top it off with a stiff drink.
Yeah we made good time despite sitting at the police station all yesterday morning. I feel like life is testing us a little. We just got all un packed at our new house and the A/C went out. 😭 105 inside haha
Hopefully it all gets better from here Brotha! A good trail and a that stiff drink should make some of the pain go away! :beer::thumb:
ThAnks everyone. Hopefully everything will be good in a couple days. Staying in hotels with dogs is not the most fun. Any Phoenix locals know a couple of good trails to get my feet wet? I've only wheeled in KY,GA and TN so I can wait to see what it's like out here.
AZ has a ton of trails from easy to HOLY SH#T!! If you're running anything near stock I'd recommend Sedona, and especially Broken Arrow Trail. Stop at the Forst Service site in downtown Sedona and helpful folks will give you maps to the good trails in the area. There's something for everyone. It's a very cool place. Thanks for visiting.:thumb:
Brkn Arrow Trail.jpg
Broken Arrow Trail
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Are you all settled down in AZ now?? Phoenix area??
How are you liking it in the desert?

Im heading to Sedona next weekend. Do they give info on Smiley Rock trail??
Im full of questions today. lol
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