Girl'S run, sunday, june 3rd


New member
Hi guys,

this sunday we decided to take Cheetah to the Lake Alain, here in Quebec. despite of the very bad weather it was a go. What my wife didn't know is that she was going to handle the wheel during this trail, it was her first off-road experiment and she definitely loved it. now we need a new jeep :cheesy:

at first the girl was not sure about it :


by the way, i decided to give myself a little challenge :yup: :


and finally after we arrived at the lake :


look at this smily girly :


you can see the complete album over here : on Photobucket

we enjoyed so much our sunday !
:clap2: awesome!! so cool to see your wife behind the wheel and having a good time. :yup:

on a side note, holy cow that gecko is BRIGHT!!! :shock::crazyeyes:
Looks like it was a fun trip:thumb: and with the rain I bet it was even more fun or at least it would be for me. :yup:
Winching points

When I first looked at your pictures it looked like the guidelines for the telephone poles where winch lines and I was thinking whats girly about needing 3 wibnh lines? :thinking:. Looked like a lot of fun.:rock::rock:


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thanks guys !

@Eddie, yes the gecko is quite bright as a color but our 2 friends love it :yup:

@Clarsen : LOL ! that would have been a hell of a winch :shock:

yes it was such a great fun day !

apart of 1 thing :
while on the trail we met a lonely jeep with its owner, we stopped by him to say hi and ask if everything was correct. the guy took a look at our friends rig (the gecko) which is brand new and built on a very tight budget, and while our friend were saluting him he said : "if its stock it's not a jeep!" .... :mad::mad: what a moron ! :naw:
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When I first looked at your pictures it looked like the guidelines for the telephone poles where winch lines and I was thinking whats girly about needing 3 wibnh lines? :thinking:. Looked like a lot of fun.:rock::rock:

you mean those aren't lazer cannons? :thinking:
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