Y'all are fucking stupid. Go fuck yourselves.

Don't get me wrong, this guy is clearly in a bad spot...

I guess I know I'm a noob on "this" board - but is there a point in everyone piling on him? I would just ban him if he's not your style or due to his threats and move on...

Seems like everyone is simply poking the bear for a rise. :/

Also, this is a community. People stick up for one another as well as we try to weed out the bullshit as quick as possible. Bringing 'awareness' via a Jeep build is a direct violation to the rules and most members here respect that and try to put an end to it very quickly.
I liken this place to a campfire with a bunch of people sitting around it drinking some beer and generally having a great time. New guys seem to approach the campfire in a couple different ways: In one a guy comes up says mind if I join, looks like fun, yeah buddy, sit down have a beer and he feels the situation out before wading into all the conversations going an before you know it, he's one of the guys. The other way is some numbnuts stumbles into the group, beer already in hand, spills it on everyone trying to push his way in, trips over the campfire, knocks shit everywhere and expects everyone to move out of the way. What happens next depends entirely on the guys reaction when he gets called out. This guy went off like a nutjob.
Some people go the other way. And pretty much everyone steps in in once or twice. The good ones stay. :idontknow:

You sir are a genius. That's a perfect comparison.
Don't get me wrong, this guy is clearly in a bad spot...

I guess I know I'm a noob on "this" board - but is there a point in everyone piling on him? I would just ban him if he's not your style or due to his threats and move on...

Seems like everyone is simply poking the bear for a rise. :/

Very few people get banned. If they can keep posting, they tend to hang themselves with their own rope. No threads are deleted, and the record is all here.

Now, if you went through this entire thread, you'll see that HoldMyBeer was the first person to become angry and make inappropriate posts, not other members.

Finally, and I hope you don't take this the wrong way. This thread only continues to pop up, because guys like you keep throwing their 2 cents in. That is like rubber necking a car accident, on the opposite side of the freeway. If these threads offend you, don't look in them.

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I liken this place to a campfire with a bunch of people sitting around it drinking some beer and generally having a great time. New guys seem to approach the campfire in a couple different ways: In one a guy comes up says mind if I join, looks like fun, yeah buddy, sit down have a beer and he feels the situation out before wading into all the conversations going an before you know it, he's one of the guys. The other way is some numbnuts stumbles into the group, beer already in hand, spills it on everyone trying to push his way in, trips over the campfire, knocks shit everywhere and expects everyone to move out of the way. What happens next depends entirely on the guys reaction when he gets called out. This guy went off like a nutjob.
Some people go the other way. And pretty much everyone steps in in once or twice. The good ones stay. :idontknow:
This needs to be on a WAL shirt or sticker :clap2:
HoldMyBeer, dude, chill. Lots of us have served. My service wasn't during a war, but I served. Thank you for volunteering. We all need to support each other through the experiences that, frankly, non-military can never truly understand.

But don't be an ass. Don't ruin future goodwill by non-veterans towards other vets. I know you're hurting, but we all are. I was LEO after (long after) the Army and it's even harder IMHO.

Help others, yes! Gain personally from it? Not cool. Don't take advantage of anyone. The end do NOT justify the means.


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I liken this place to a campfire with a bunch of people sitting around it drinking some beer and generally having a great time. New guys seem to approach the campfire in a couple different ways: In one a guy comes up says mind if I join, looks like fun, yeah buddy, sit down have a beer and he feels the situation out before wading into all the conversations going an before you know it, he's one of the guys. The other way is some numbnuts stumbles into the group, beer already in hand, spills it on everyone trying to push his way in, trips over the campfire, knocks shit everywhere and expects everyone to move out of the way. What happens next depends entirely on the guys reaction when he gets called out. This guy went off like a nutjob.
Some people go the other way. And pretty much everyone steps in in once or twice. The good ones stay. :idontknow:

What about the guy that tells you he can make a better fire and his beer tastes better than the one you're drinking?

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Think maybe I can get everyone else to build My Jeep for Me I only need like $60K
Say in the effort to promote overly-fat slothful-glutinous hedonistic-dude acceptance/awareness.
It's all societies or the governments fault and real "disease" and BIG BIG issue these days and I has it ...lol
PTSD. lol eveyone has it. WTF... Some of you have it because your WIFI is down, some of you have it just because things didnt go your way. As a vet with 5 deployments to the gulf and 24 years active, i can say that 1. I volunteered & 2. I would do it again without remorse, and without expecting the civilian world to understand. The douche that says you wouldn't understand is the same TURD that only volunteered for pitty! wish i could strip him of his vet status, because hes unbecoming of the armed services. We volunteered, because if not us than who?..... Not for pitty, and real warriors aren't looking for pitty.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using WAYALIFE mobile app
PTSD. lol eveyone has it. WTF... Some of you have it because your WIFI is down, some of you have it just because things didnt go your way. As a vet with 5 deployments to the gulf and 24 years active, i can say that 1. I volunteered & 2. I would do it again without remorse, and without expecting the civilian world to understand. The douche that says you wouldn't understand is the same TURD that only volunteered for pitty! wish i could strip him of his vet status, because hes unbecoming of the armed services. We volunteered, because if not us than who?..... Not for pitty, and real warriors aren't looking for pitty.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using WAYALIFE mobile app

That, my friends, is a veteran worthy of respect.

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I only looked at this because it popped up at the top of the list. I read through the whole thing and I have a couple of questions. Just asking as a person on the outside looking in, not defending one side vs another.

When did he specifically say he was having it built for him with someone else's money? I just read he was building to raise awareness and the main question was hemi vs LS. I do believe if everyone just stuck to the engine swap question, this thread wouldn't have gotten out of control. People build vehicles, paint vehicles, build sculptures, get tattoos, etc., for various causes. If anything, it's a conversation starter if you see the vehicles.

So if I'm understanding this correctly, it's not cool to build any kind of vehicle to raise awareness to anything? Am I a tool for building a custom chopper in memory of my 4 yr old cousin who died from pediatric cancer and my father rode said chopper in every ride that the foundation in my cousin's name hosted, along with showing it in shows and going to other events with it? Will I be a bigger tool if I had a tribute to my older cousin who died in March from pancreatic cancer, whose son is being memorialized on the chopper, added to the chopper? Is the guy I met a bike show wrong for building a trike and having it painted in memory of the guys he served with who lost their lives in Vietnam wrong and stupid for doing that? The guy wasn't asking for donations, just wanted to pay tribute. And the bike itself was extremely cool to look at.

I'm not saying I fully understand PTSD, but being that my grandfather served in WWII and my uncle served in Vietnam, I can say there was a clear difference between how the 2 spoke about their experiences. My grandfather spoke about his time in the Philippines and Japan, but never got into detail (with me anyway) about battles or anything. My uncle on the other hand, I didn't realize he even served until maybe 5 years before he died. I didn't know he was awarded the bronze star until his funeral and I was pretty close to him, especially when we both got our motorcycle licenses and started riding. What I do know is everyone handles things differently, and unfortunately those who can't seem to be afraid to ask for help in fear of being called weak or a pussy. I do know some people use PTSD as a crutch like people scamming for disability or welfare and cast a dark shadow for those truly suffering from what they've been through. What category the OP falls into, I'm not sure. All I know is I would have gladly served except a back injury prevented me from doing so. My father responded to ground zero after 9/11 with an excavator to clean up the debris. I know he must have seen some disturbing things especially since he witnessed the entire attack from across the river. He's spoken about objects he found, intact wallets, a door to a plane but never the gruesome stuff. I couldn't begin to imagine what being there was like just like I can't begin to imagine what soldiers of every war in American history went through. To all of the WAYALIFE members and vets everywhere that fought for our country, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Anyway, again, I'm not taking sides, I can't take sides for anyone I don't know. I just mentioned my experiences with relatives who served, who they handled things, playing devil's advocate if you will and am trying to understand why everyone is hating on bringing awareness to anything, without the fighting, killing and rioting of course. I bet people on here hating on the fact he was building something to raise awareness for anything were the same people doing that damn ice buck challenge a couple of years ago instead of making a donation to ALS. I don't see a difference between the two other than maybe the rolling tribute would be a conversation starter and maybe people seeing it may want to help in some way in their community, whether cash donation, volunteer, etc.

The death threats the OP made to people in PM's was definitely out of line and inexcusable. It definitely didn't need to go there just like I don't understand why everyone was so bent on why he was building a jeep when the question at hand was on an engine and honestly, in my opinion, should have stayed there. I feel there's a bunch of people on here looking to start fights and I swear these are the same people from jersey Jeepers or related to them. I thought the jeep community was about helping others not attacking others because of why they are building something. Busting chops, I get and I'll do it to, but attacking someone over why they are building something, it really wasn't needed.

Last question, would all that started bashing the "cause", have done so face to face or was this a case of having a big set hiding behind the keyboard?

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